What is the status of the grid widget enhancements discussed by Adrian
and Gavin in this thread?  Can other widgets be embedded within grids
yet?  Is Nicolas' enhancement allowing menus to be embedded as form
fields of OFBIZ-6404 related to this?

On Mon, 2015-01-19 at 08:30 +0200, Gavin Mabie wrote:
> Yes.  Cell/Column sizes in conjunction with screen media directives can
> then be used to achieve responsive layouts.
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 7:13 AM, Adrian Crum <
> adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> wrote:
> > So, you're suggesting a grid widget would accept any screen widget within
> > a cell? That could be done fairly easily.
> >
> > Adrian Crum
> > Sandglass Software
> > www.sandglass-software.com
> >
> > On 1/18/2015 8:49 PM, Gavin Mabie wrote:
> >
> >> With columns already existing, rendering them inside rows would constitute
> >> a grid.
> >>
> >> On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Adrian Crum <
> >> adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>  We have columns for that.
> >>>
> >>> Adrian Crum
> >>> Sandglass Software
> >>> www.sandglass-software.com
> >>>
> >>> On 1/17/2015 6:14 PM, Gavin Mabie wrote:
> >>>
> >>>  Hi Adrian
> >>>>
> >>>> I like the grid idea.  It will almost certainly simplify and enhance UI
> >>>> design. Furthermore, it will facilitate responsive design in Ofbiz.  I
> >>>> agree that form widget should apply to forms.  I would recommend that we
> >>>> create a table widget for multi-column lists instead of the proposed
> >>>> grid
> >>>> widget.  My thinking is that the grid widget should be used as a layout
> >>>> widget on a level just beneath screens but higher than lower level
> >>>> widgets
> >>>> (screenlets/forms/tables/menus/trees).  In other words a screen
> >>>> contains
> >>>> grids and grids contain lower level widgets.  This pattern will enable
> >>>> us
> >>>> to make Ofbiz truly responsive.  What do you think?
> >>>>
> >>>> Gavin
> >>>>
> >>>> On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 7:46 PM, Adrian Crum <
> >>>> adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>   Some time ago I started working on the screen widget thread safety.
> >>>> There
> >>>>
> >>>>> were many places in code where widget models were being modified during
> >>>>> rendering - resulting in unpredictable behavior, and in some cases it
> >>>>> resulted in users having access to data they shouldn't be able to see.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> While doing that work, I was overwhelmed by the quantity of source
> >>>>> code.
> >>>>> The screen widget library was built using a lot of copy-and-paste -
> >>>>> instead
> >>>>> of extracting and reusing common things. Scott started working on
> >>>>> reusing
> >>>>> widget code, but that was just a small beginning.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In a recent commit, I continued his work and made some more things
> >>>>> reusable.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Next, I would like to reorganize the source code folder structure. Here
> >>>>> is
> >>>>> what I have pictured:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> org/ofbiz/widget
> >>>>>     artifact (Artifact Info classes)
> >>>>>     cache (Widget cache classes)
> >>>>>     model (Widget models)
> >>>>>     renderer (Widget renderers)
> >>>>>       macro
> >>>>>       html
> >>>>>       xml
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I think the simplified folder structure makes more sense and it will
> >>>>> make
> >>>>> it easier to locate classes.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> After that, I would like to add error checking code to the widget
> >>>>> models
> >>>>> -
> >>>>> similar to what I did in Mini-Language. Right now, errors in widget XML
> >>>>> are
> >>>>> (sometimes) logged and widget parsing continues. If a developer does
> >>>>> something wrong, they will not know it unless they check the logs. I
> >>>>> would
> >>>>> like to change the behavior so widget XML errors throw an exception
> >>>>> with
> >>>>> a
> >>>>> detailed error message that includes the XML file name and line number
> >>>>> where the error occurred. I believe this will benefit developers by
> >>>>> making
> >>>>> it clear when they have done something wrong.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Finally, I would like to extract list functionality from the form
> >>>>> widget
> >>>>> and create a new grid widget. So, instead of a form widget
> >>>>> representing a
> >>>>> single data entry form OR a list, it will ONLY represent a single form.
> >>>>> If
> >>>>> you want a list, you use the grid widget. Initially, this change will
> >>>>> be
> >>>>> backwards-compatible - the XML parser will accept a <form> element for
> >>>>> both
> >>>>> types and it will create the correct model based on the type attribute.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Overall, my goal is to make screen widgets more developer-friendly, and
> >>>>> also to make it easier to innovate in the screen widget component.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> After all of this work is completed, I would like to backport it to the
> >>>>> R14 branch.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Comments are welcome.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Adrian Crum
> >>>>> Sandglass Software
> >>>>> www.sandglass-software.com
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>

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