Le 19/11/2015 11:45, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Could we list, apart the well known Birt issue, special components which are overriding main applications?
Directly by memory, the scrum components has defined new seca on cust request to send email that break the standard customer request system

An other where I failed, used service findProductsById instead of findProductById, the first from hhfacilty and the second from catalog. And want you start your hot-deploy component without specialpurpose ... paff ! :)

The problem will appear in the future for sure if we load new components, it's impossible to test all process in OFBiz to ensure no regression.

I've been thinking about that with the idea to load magento component on specialpurpose, and I continued the thinking on the other win.


Then depending on cases we could be more surgical...


Le 19/11/2015 09:46, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
I agree with Taher when he says that we should strive to move small steps
in the direction of having a lean lightweight framework with pluggable
But I think that Nicolas' proposal is actually one of these steps.
The fact that currently some of our specialized components are overriding
the more generic behavior of other components (e.g. the ones under
"applications") is a problem that we have to fix asap.
Otherwise the default demo of OFBiz will only showcase the more specialized
behaviors; for example, if tomorrow we will add a new special purpose
component for a niche industry, that will override the application screens
with industry specific ones from that day on all OFBiz users that will
download and run OFBiz will have the impression that OFBiz was designed for
one specific industry only.
Nicolas' proposal addresses this issue and still leaves the ability to the
interested users to manually enable the components they need.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Taher Alkhateeb <slidingfilame...@gmail.com
Hi Nicolas,

I think If your finger hurts you don't cut it off. The project has too many
pages, documentations, email threads and time dedicated to the special
purpose components. They existed for a long, long time in the history of

Some attempts were made in the past to reduce the size of the framework and release 13.07 is a prime example of these attempts which failed IMHO. This is a reason why, for example, a rewrite of the framework is being discussed
in the community.

I would suggest to you that to get really lean and clean, we need to work
on the root of the problem which is the design of the framework and its
architecture. We need a _plugin_ implementation that achieves _loose
coupling_ of the components in a way that sustains the quality of the code while at the same time allowing a small framework core to thrive. Take a look at this thread <http://ofbiz.markmail.org/thread/7bipnq3ffoteliff> in
which we discussed this issue and suggested one of several strategies.
There are other threads which I cannot recall at the moment.

For the record, I totally agree with keeping a small core and a lean
framework, It's how we get there that I'm worried about and I would suggest
to you that we do this in a well thought out and gradual process.

My 2 cents

Taher Alkhateeb

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 11:22 PM, Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr>

Le 10/11/2015 05:54, slidingfilame...@gmail.com a écrit :

This topic was heavily discussed in the past and I think a solution like
turning off the components is very quick indeed but not ideal.

Completely, I'm sure a better ideal exist but difficult to reach.

A second step, easy to reach would be enable a specialpurpose directly by
an ant target :
$ ant load-component -D"component=ecommerce" load-demo start
$ ant load-component -D"components=ecommerce projectmgr myportal"
load-demo start

This help beginner through easy command line to copy/past from
documentation or expert by scripting to configure ofbiz.


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