
During a analyse to find how to force the dataResource location relative ofbiz home instead of absolute system path, I discover a property :

<property-to-field resource="content.properties" property="content.upload.always.local.file" 

On the content.properties, not definition found, it's a quiet configuration and think it's bad way. Each people want to configure OFBiz need to read all code ?

If your are ok I propose to add on https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/OFBiz+Contributors+Best+Practices this :
When you define a new property :
1. write a comment on the property file, why this property exist and this default value

## This property permit to learn how it work when...

#my.property = default_value

2. analyse if your property is related to server definition or it's would use different value on different tenant. In this case prefer to use EntityUtilPorperties to resolve the value

remarks ?

logoNrd <http://nereide.fr/>
        Nicolas Malin
The apache way <http://theapacheway.com/> : *Openness* Technical decisions are made publicly
8 rue des Déportés 37000 TOURS, 02 47 50 30 54

Apache OFBiz <http://ofbiz.apache.org/> | The Apache Way <http://theapacheway.com/> | ofbiz-fr <http://www.ofbiz-fr.org/> | réseau LE <http://www.libre-entreprise.org/>

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