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Le 30/11/2016 à 10:02, Julien NICOLAS a écrit :
Hi Jacques,

On 30/11/2016 08:51, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
 - Each screen must be linked to a screen structure.

What would be this screen structure? You don't need to develop much at this 
stage, just that I can't vision what it would be.
This structure is to follow the a UI standard that can be managed by the theme. 
For example, the find screen can be define as :
 - A research field area
 - A result area

Ah, I see, we have already this concept in screen widget.

If all the find screen could be linked to this structure, it will be easier for 
theme to manage it's own template of search screen.

You mean that it would be a super-structure that will be used in place of 
currently conventions which are not always respected, I see.

It will be included in the main decorator that will also linked to a structure, so theme can manage to change the template. And when you change the theme, it could be a completely different look and feel :)
I hope I explain well my thought.

Got it, thanks :)

Why we need a new component to test new theme ?

When I start working with OFBiz, I was so surprised that the UI is too heavy. Then I was thinking that I have to improve the UI to provide a best one. After several try I understand that the actual UI is not a final user interface. It is a developer one. It's a developer UI because it contain all the features developed. But definitively, we can't provide this kind of UI to final users, we have to simplify it. In the same times, we can't delete the current UI because developers need to improve it with new features that will help us to deploy new features to our final users.

For this new component, we can implement an existing component but simplified 
and ready for the new theme(s).

You mean we could take and existing component, say example for instance, and would simply it at the UI level. I picked example because it's already rather simple and contains demonstration of features.
No, I mean to define a component (party, product, facility, etc.) that we start to re-implement (using the existing services) but in a more simple way (without all the features, selecting only the main ones).

I see

In conclusion, if the new component dedicated for test a new theme match to the community needs, Taher think to a super simplified developer user interface that facilitate developers to improve the software. A new interface without any constraint that allow developers to develop easily new features.

Another thing I can't vision at this stage, no hurry, I guess I'll later :)
Yes, too many thing to explain, I have to add details about this point, I'll do 
it soon ^^

I did not get a chance to look yet at the POC Nicolas, Gil and you are working 
on. I guess I'd get the ideas from there then?



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