Hi all,

I start a page about the POC for the UI improvement.

I'm not sure if the content is enough but I was wanted to create it. We can now start some... Jira ? I was wondering one main Jira linked to 4 other sub-jira.

thanks to those Jira, we can have 4 teams or workgroup to go ahead in both ways.


Let me know if I'm doing well,

Kind regards,


PS : I'm currently checkout the common-theme provided by Nicolas's github (https://github.com/nmalin/ApacheOFBiz/tree/common-theme)

On 28/11/2016 11:28, Sharan Foga wrote:
Hi Everyone

Another one of the topics that came up during the brainstorming in Seville was 
around the UI. In fact we had at least 2 presentations from the OFBiz track at 
Apachecon that were about how we could improve our UI.

If the UI was the main focus - what could the strategy look like
- User Interface - have 2 versions of the UI, one very clean and simple, the 
other more advanced. (Our current UI could be the advanced one....?
- Separate the web part from the widgets
- We have too many fields on one screen (many of them are not mandatory and are 
just included as optional). What if we slimmed down all the screens to have a 
sensible default UI for users. The UI could also be modifiable by service 
providers. Simplify the screens with defaults
- Use Bootstrap / CSS / Angular
- Isolate web related
- Define a graphics charter to be used for the screens
- Have a CSS convention
- Remove web from the framework - it shouldn't be there

What do people think?

-Do people think it would be a good idea to have 2 versions of the UI? (a 
simple one and a more advanced one?)

- Are these the things we would need to focus on or have in place if we wanted 
to focus on the UI?

(Also I know Nicolas has mentioned that he has already started work on a Proof 
of Concept for a common theme  - so do we need to make sure we agree 
conventions etc before much more work is done?)


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