
We have now 2 lines of products: framework and plugins, do we need to create 
plugins packages?

First I read in the documentation that "OFBiz plugin versions followSemantic Versioning 
2.0.0 <http://semver.org/>"
How and when is it planned to release plugins packages, as a whole or 
independently (on for each plugin)?
I wonder because AFAIK we continue to use the Ubuntu way for framework version 
So how will users know which plugin is usable with their framework version?

With the now available pullAllPluginsSource Gradle task we can drop the ofbiz-framework-buildbot branch and use ofbiz-framework + ofbiz-plugins in a sole Builbot scripts which will build and test the whole.

I created a ofbiz-trunk-plugins Buildbot script which for now only generates 
archives at https://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/snapshots/
Do we need to amend it? And if so how?


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