Hi Taher

Yes - the freemarker thing sounds good, I've been having fun with the php page generation manually that makes you really appreciate automated scripts!

Anyway I know that there is some tidy up and linking etc to be done. I will look at putting together a little project plan with the main tasks so that we can track where we are. I seem to remember that we did have a Jira created for the new website but I'll need to re-visit it as it might be way out of date. Also if these are sizeable things then it makes sense to break it up into manageable milestone chunks.


On 20/03/17 15:54, Taher Alkhateeb wrote:
Great job Sharan, and thank you for pulling this through and not giving up

My recommendations to make this website an easier, more managable task is
as follows:

- Replace PHP templates with freemarker. I remember creating them quickly
just to get something rolling for the header/footer/shared regions
- Introduce a build script .. naturally I would recommend gradle. The build
script would include a few tasks to automate the publication of the
website. For example:
   - generateHtml: from the freemarker templates
   - publishWebsite: to get the final thing on the web server
   - clean: to remove any generated artifacts

I think treating this as a project with a build script using tools everyone
is familiar with is going to help in code contributions.

On Mar 20, 2017 3:54 PM, "Sharan Foga" <sha...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi Everyone

A quick update. I've created a new branch called under the branches
directory called ofbiz-new-website and have uploaded all the work done so
far on the new website structure and pages.

The plan is to complete the work in this branch and then copy it over to
the new site when we are ready. I think the content itself is the most
important so will continue to to tidy up and complete any missing pages or
information. It's in our repository now so hopefully more accessible to
people who want to help out.

I'd encourage you all to take a look at what has been done to so that I
can get some feedback of what people think of the general look and feel.

Once again – I'd like to thank Kenneth Paskett for helping out with the


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