Hi Julien

Thanks for the feedback. Responses inline.


On 20/03/17 15:35, Julien NICOLAS wrote:
Bonjour Sharan and the community,

I don't know if you prefer to open Jira about new website issue but I listed below what I found on a fast review. I think it could be a good thing to be able to assign task and to avoid double work on the same one.

I think there is already a JIra but I'd like to check to see if we use it or close it and create a new one. It all depends on what is in it and how confusing it might be. I'll take a look and decide.

1 - Multi-browser compatibility

I try it locally but it seems that the hover on the menu is not working on Firefox... Is anybody have the same trouble ?

I try on Chromium (Linux) and there is no problem to navigate between pages.

I've focussed on writing all the pages so haven't tested it on different browsers, so this needs to be added to the to-do list. Also all the pages may not be in their final formats so not sure how this will affect that testing.

2 - External link

About the user experience and to be sure to not lost the user. I prefer to create a new tab when the user follow an external link (Twitter, blog, technical information, etc.)

Yes - I think that is nicer. When I set it up I was focussed on getting the right links, rather than new windows etc, but I agree this would be a good change and stops people navigating away from the site!

3 - Typo

I found a typo on the "Go ahead and take OFBiz for a spin!" in this sentence :

All you _*is*_ need is to install the Java...

Thanks although, I'm sure there will be more than this one!

4 - wrong link

Link press is wrong (News)

Link User documentation is wrong (Documentation)

Link Source Repository is wrong (Community)

All link in Users is pointing to the same page.

Maybe I can help to correct issue (maybe browser compatibility ?).

I'll investigate.

Have a nice day,

Well I'll surely have a nice 'busy' day now! :-)


On 20/03/2017 13:54, Sharan Foga wrote:
Hi Everyone

A quick update. I've created a new branch called under the branches directory called ofbiz-new-website and have uploaded all the work done so far on the new website structure and pages.

The plan is to complete the work in this branch and then copy it over to the new site when we are ready. I think the content itself is the most important so will continue to to tidy up and complete any missing pages or information. It's in our repository now so hopefully more accessible to people who want to help out.

I'd encourage you all to take a look at what has been done to so that I can get some feedback of what people think of the general look and feel.

Once again – I'd like to thank Kenneth Paskett for helping out with the graphics.


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