Groovy +1.

I think mini lang make ofbiz special in apache projects, it give a space to 
business consultants to do more. I'm not sure whether groovy is as simple as 
mini lang for the consultants, it's 'change and play', this is similar to mini 

My 2 cents,

Shi Jinghai

发件人: Michael Brohl [] 
发送时间: 2017年5月19日 18:39
主题: [DISCUSSION] migrate mini lang to Java and/or groovy

Hi All,

according to the discussion in [1] and the Jira issue [2] we decided to 
deprecate mini lang and migrate it to Java and/or Groovy code.

To help contributors finding the right approach for the migration, we 
should define which mini lang code should be migrated to Java code, 
groovy or some DSL (which has to be further developed).

I'd propose to generally migrate services, events and tests to Java code 
to begin with.

There was also a proposal by Paul Foxworthy [3] to have an automatic 
conversion between mini lang and groovy DSL. Maybe we can extend this to 
generate Java code also?

Any ideas and approach to do this?

Happy to hear your opinions,

best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH




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