Hi Chris & Cameron,

Thank you for your kind words.  I'm honoured to have the opportunity
to contribute to these projects and to work with and learn from superb
mentors.  I very much like the fact that both OODT and SIS are
developed and used by NASA.  It will be a great feeling and sense of
achievement for me if I can make a positive contribution and therefore
benefit these projects.



On 1 April 2012 17:59, Cameron Goodale <good...@apache.org> wrote:
> Ross,
> I agree with Chris that you are doing a great job on this.  Thank you for
> all the hard work in setting this up.  Having a standard geospatial
> interface from the FileManager to SIS will prove extremely helpful to
> several JPL/NASA Earth Science Missions in the future.
> Just wanted to say thanks!
> Cameron
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) <
> chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>> (sorry for the cross post, but of interest to both communities)
>> Hey Ross,
>> That is awesome to hear! Comments below:
>> On Mar 31, 2012, at 4:04 AM, Ross Laidlaw wrote:
>> > Hi Chris,
>> >
>> > Many thanks for your comments and advice.  I have now installed SIS on
>> > my system and I have the demo up and running.  I've also been
>> > experimenting with the connection between File Manager and SIS and I
>> > have a basic connection working.  Here are the steps I have carried so
>> > far:
>> >
>> > Firstly, I added elements for 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' to the
>> > GenericFile policy.  Then I created a set of test files (simple text
>> > files) with corresponding '.met' metadata files.  I added 'Latitude'
>> > and 'Longitude' metadata to the '.met' files.  I then ingested these
>> > into my File Manager repository.
>> That's perfect.
>> >
>> > After that, I enabled the 'georss' tags in the 'rssconf.xml'
>> > configuration file (I added tags for geo:lat and geo:long to start
>> > with) and viewed the RSS output from the CAS REST API in my browser.
>> >
>> > I then added the URL
>> > ('http://localhost:8080/fmprod/viewRecent?channel=ALL') as an RSS feed
>> > to the 'sis-location-config.xml' config in my SIS webapp.
>> >
>> > Next, I ran a bounding box query from the SIS demo.jsp and my file
>> > manager files appeared on the map!  Awesome!
>> That is SWEET!
>> >
>> > I have uploaded a set of screenshots showing my progress, hopefully
>> > they're accessible and make sense (I'm new to flickr, so apologies if
>> > things look a bit disorganised!):
>> >
>> >
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/rlaidlaw/sets/72157629342438940/with/7031581313/
>> They look great, I checked them out. Would you be willing to do the
>> following?
>> 1. Log onto the SIS wiki and add a little tutorial (small) based on the
>> above email
>> and screenshots?
>> wiki here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SIS/Home
>> 2. Link the SIS tutorial via the OODT wiki, here:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OODT/Home
>> >
>> > I tried to order the screenshots to follow the steps I outlined above,
>> > with the final screenshot being the output from the SIS demo showing
>> > the File Manager files on the map.
>> That's awesome.
>> >
>> > For next steps, I could start to formalize some of my experimental
>> > code and begin to address the key points you have outlined on the
>> > OODT-402 jira page (i.e. writing a default GeoRSS config and a default
>> > file manager policy for a 'LocationAwareProduct' type).
>> That would be perfect!
>> >  I will follow
>> > up with specific questions about both of these, but for now I just
>> > wanted to give you an update on my progress and to check that I'm
>> > heading in the right direction.
>> You are definitely heading in the right direction that's precisely what I
>> was
>> hoping you would figure out how to do. Thank you Ross for the update
>> and your results look VERY promising, great job so far!
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
>> Senior Computer Scientist
>> NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
>> Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
>> Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov
>> WWW:   http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
>> University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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