
And thanks David to have driven us (and me particularly ;)).

- Romain

Le 5 oct. 2011 07:39, "David Blevins" <david.blev...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Back at the computer for a moment and then... I think sleep (and up early
to write slides).
> Couldn't let launch day go by without saying ... HELL YEAH! WE DID IT!!!!!
> We all should take a moment over the next few days to really just enjoy
the victory. Things like this don't happen but a few times a lifetime. Don't
take it for granted because you never know if or when it might happen again.
> Whenever we have our get-together next year we're going to have to have a
special celebration for this outstanding accomplishment. We have absolutely
earned it. Few groups could pull off what we have done in spare hours here
and there. Time taken away from wives and children and hobbies and friends.
It's such a testament to the character of this community that we're able to
work so closely and passionately with each other and all the while we all
come from different jobs, time zones and different everything really. It's a
treasure to be sure.
> I know that everyone here cares so much they wish they could do more. It
may surprise you to learn I feel like that pretty much all the time too. It
just comes with working on something you love. When one is looking out so
far ahead all the time and focusing on how far there is yet to go, it can be
really easy to lose track of how far you've come and how many steps you've
taken to get there.
> Doing something like this is like a game of jenga. You may look at the few
bricks you've added and wish you could have added more. You might think they
barely amount to anything compared to the tall structure you see before you.
But imagine the devastation that would become of that structure if everyone
who felt that way removed their bricks.
> That's how utterly important every contribution is. Appreciate the bricks
you've added and the bricks others have added. We did this together and
there is no one person who could have ever done it alone.
> I sooo can't wait for our get-together cause we're going to have one
biiiig party :)
> Very excellent work everyone. Truly... outstanding.
> -David

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