Since it came up in the other thread, good time to officially raise the 
discussion on how we want to identify ourselves as a TLP.

There have been concerns raised on how we identify to the public in terms of 
our primary identity -- "the website says TomEE in letters as big as my hand" 
was one quote.  This was many months ago and my feedback then was we're still 
experimenting and we need time to figure ourselves out.

It's been a year since TomEE has been released and officially certified.  The 
popularity is skyrocketing with no signs of slowing.  As TomEE eclipses OpenEJB 
it becomes more and more strange to call the TLP OpenEJB given our website says 
TomEE all over it and that's all we present at conferences.

What do people think about renaming this TLP from OpenEJB to TomEE?


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