I would totally disagree with
"At the Wicket Java code we save these elements as Java Objecst which
contains the JSON strings."

Java objects should contain normal fields like "Point center; int radius;"
and be (de)serialized (from)into JSON if necessary.

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Andun Sameera <andun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrey,
> Great! If you can give me a example for,
> collection.onChange(element)
> it will be highly appreciated.
> @Maxim,
> After some thinking I cam across of this idea. Please correct me If I am
> wrong.
>    - All the whiteboard elements can be represented as JSON strings (Have
>    to find a way to add PDF,DOCs, Pictures to whiteboard in this way)
>    - At the Wicket Java code we save these elements as Java Objecst which
>    contains the JSON strings.
>    - To synchronize white board we can send these object to all the
>    viewers.
>    - To save/load we can use this already implemented JSON based
>    serialization and de-serialization.
> But have to find ways to get all these data from closure implementation to
> wicket!
> Thanks!
> On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Bogdanov Andrey <ba...@mail.ru> wrote:
>> Hi Andun,
>> Whiteboard consists of two main objects: ui-component
>> "bay.whiteboard.Whiteboard", which contains functionality for user
>> interaction and collections of objects "bay.whiteboard.Collection" which
>> contains list of objects and some stuff to manipulate them.
>> After createing WB with
>>    whiteboard = bay.whiteboard.Create();
>> you could access to collection as
>>   collection = whiteboard.collections.main; or
>>   collection = whiteboard.getMainCollection(); - i've just added this
>> method
>> After that you could define
>>    collection.onChange(element) - method wich will be invoked every time
>> when some drawing elements add or change.
>> Also you could use methods:
>>     collection.getJson(element); -  to obtain json code for an element
>>      collection.jsonCode();   -  to obtain json code for whole collection
>>      collection.acceptJsonStr(str); -  to add or change one element
>> described as json
>>      collection.parseJson(str); -  to rebuild all from the given json
>> string
>> As an example you could explore linkWebSocket method in ui.js, which
>> allows synchronize wb-content through webSocket
>> Regards,
>> Andrey Bogdanov
>> Вторник, 2 июля 2013, 1:25 +05:30 от Andun Sameera <andun...@gmail.com>:
>>   Hi Andrey,
>> I am moving in to this new thread to discuss about the clarifications,
>> improvements and integration of your Whiteboard to wicket. I have looked at
>> your code which can be found https://github.com/bay73/whiteboard. I have
>> following questions,
>>    - In Wicket, I want map Whiteboard Elements(Rectangle, Circle, Text,
>>    etc.) to Java objects.
>>    - Thus we can send those object to all the Whiteboard viewers.
>>    - Using these objects there Whiteboards will be updated.
>>    - To do that, can I get some data from your code? which can be later
>>    used to create elements. I saw there is a serialization methods and
>>    deserilization method in base.js. If we can extend that mechanism to give
>>    some data when element is drawn or edited as an event, I can use them to
>>    create Java objects.
>>    - Also there should be a mechanism to draw elements on your
>>    Whiteboard by passing those data.
>> Can we do these things?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Regards
>> Andun S.L. Gunawardana
>> Undergraduate
>> Department of Computer Science And Engineering
>> University of Moratuwa
>> Sri Lanka
>> Blog - http://www.insightforfuture.blogspot.com/
>> LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/andun-s-l-gunawardana/34/646/703
>> Twitter -http://twitter.com/AndunSLG
>> --
>> Андрей Богданов
> --
> Regards
> Andun S.L. Gunawardana
> Undergraduate
> Department of Computer Science And Engineering
> University of Moratuwa
> Sri Lanka
> Blog - http://www.insightforfuture.blogspot.com/
> LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/andun-s-l-gunawardana/34/646/703
> Twitter -http://twitter.com/AndunSLG

Maxim aka solomax

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