Dear Alvaro,

Thank you for your line of thought. We tried your method. However, we still got the same error result.

We are doing more research into how Axis2 Web Services are embedded into Tomcat. Perhaps there is a solution there.

Is there anything missing there that might be causing the URL "services/FileService?wsdl" leading to
"/axis2-web/listSingleService.jsp" not found"  error.


Susheel Jalali

Customer Operations Leader,

Coscend Communications Solutions


Web <>


*Coscend’s**Software Service Factory*

"*Coscend Communications* is ... *pioneering a new approach*to ... software applications development, and systems integration."

*Light Reading Network, *December, 2007

"*Coscend*is at the*vanguard of a new evolution*in telco OSS/BSS systems integration."

*Caroline Chappell*
A leading authority in the communications services software industry

"There are *innovative*…*tools*from ... *Coscend *bubbling up, which will help accelerate the data consolidation process and reduce its cost."

*Dennis Mendyk, */Editor,/Building a *Telco Service Factory*


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at: <>

On 05/23/15 20:56, Alvaro wrote:
Please Susheel, try run red5 by this script (if not...).
>From here:

#!/bin/sh -e
# Startup script for Red5
export RED5_HOME=/opt/red5304
start_red5="$RED5_HOME/ start"
stop_red5="$RED5_HOME/ stop"
start() {
echo -n "Starting Red5: "
${start_red5} &
echo "done."
stop() {
echo -n "Shutting down Red5: "
echo "done."
case "$1" in
sleep 10
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 0 here.

You must change the line:

export RED5_HOME=/opt/red5304 your true installation path:

export RED5_HOME=/your_installation_path

On my Centos 7 it works when upload any type of file.



El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 18:16 +0600, Maxim Solodovnik escribió:
Hello Susheel,

Unfortunately I never saw such issue and have no CentOS 7.
Maybe someone else will be able to help

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Susheel Jalali
<> wrote:
         Dear Fellow OpenMeetings Users and Maxim:
This issue resulted from a previous thread “File Upload to
         File Explorer"
After eliminating more than 15 potential causes, we have now
         found the root cause of the File Upload to File Explorer error
         that we have been facing for the past two months.  Hence, for
         focus, we are starting this new thread on the root cause of
         the issue.
Details Problem There are two instances of OpenMeetings running in the
         following two server environments:
Server 1 (CentOS 6.5, MySQL, DBCP, Java JDK 7u 31) Server 2 (CentOS 7, MariaDB, DBCP2, Java JDK 7u 67) OM works perfectly in Server 1. Further, when we compile OM
         in Server 1 (CentOS 6.5) and install it in Server 2 (CentOS
         7) , OM works perfectly.
However, when we compile and install the same source code in
         Server 2, it gives:   The service cannot be found for the
         endpoint reference (EPR).  When we type URL:
         http://ourserver:5080/CoscendCC/services/FileService?wsdl, it
         gives an error of HTTP Status 500.
Further, we get the same error output for every service we
         type in URL (RoomService, CalendarService, JabberService,
         UserService, ServerService).  However, some services are
         working perfectly, while others are not.
Red5.log ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.1.1.5.[.[jsp] - Servlet.service() for
         servlet jsp threw exception javax.servlet.ServletException:
         File &quot;/axis2-web/listSingleService.jsp&quot; not found
We contacted Axis2 project team. They suggested the
         potential causes to be:
· The Red5 server that is making RPC calls is
                 not able to locate [openmeetings-3.0.4-RELEASE.aar]
                 file in the deployment folder.
· The [openmeetings-3.0.4-RELEASE.aar] may
                 have an error, if it is in the right deployment
Seeking Guidance. 1. We have checked the services directory contains the
         required AAR file.
<prefix>/dist/red5/webapps/<application-context>/WEB-INF/services 2. There is a step in the post-compile installation, where we
         set entire production directory hierarchy to "nobody" user.
                 chown -R nobody <OpenMeetings installation directory>.
Would this be affected (need to be modified) by any
         changes in Centos 7,
            and, would it be more critical/strict  in Centos-7  about
3. Should we set up logging parameter to go deeper into the
         root cause? Where and what values are advised for this issue?
             Should we use  <prefix>\main\webapp\WEB-INF\classes
It has numerous loggers set to ERROR. Should we set the
         Axis2 logger to "DEBUG", and re-compile ?
           Which Log File is to be checked after this?
<logger name="org.apache.axis2" level="ERROR" />
             <logger name="com.mchange.v2" level="ERROR" />
             <logger name="org.apache.axiom" level="ERROR" />
             <logger name="org.apache.commons.httpclient"
         level="ERROR" />
             <logger name="" level="ERROR" />
             <logger name="org.apache.axis2.enterprise"
         level="ERROR" />
             <logger name="httpclient.wire.header" level="ERROR" />
             <logger name="" level="INFO" />
             <logger name="org.apache.mina.filter.ssl.SslFilter"
         level="ERROR" />
             <root level="DEBUG">
                 <appender-ref ref="FLOG2" />
                 <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE2" />
OR, any other file for logging? 4. For a test, is there a correct way to explode the
         hierarchy of files and copy it to the
         directory?   Does it require any additional change to work
         like this?
5. Is there anything else we should check ? Thank you. Sincerely, Susheel Jalali Customer Operations Leader, Coscend Communications Solutions Elite Premio Complex Suite 200 Survey No 7 & 8 Balewadi Pune
         411045 Maharashtra India
Cell +91-9011000233 Web site: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Coscend’s Software Service Factory "Coscend Communications is ... pioneering a new approach
         to ... software applications development, and systems
Light Reading Network, December, 2007 "Coscend is at the vanguard of a new evolution in telco
         OSS/BSS systems integration."
Caroline Chappell
         A leading authority in the communications services software
"There are innovative … tools from ... Coscend bubbling up,
         which will help accelerate the data consolidation process and
         reduce its cost."
Dennis Mendyk, Editor, Building a Telco Service Factory ------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding
         E-mail Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted

Maxim aka solomax

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