Sorry about your las question.
Maybe someone else will be able to help



El lun, 25-05-2015 a las 11:31 +0530, Susheel Jalali escribió:
> Dear Alvaro,
> Thank you for your line of thought.  We tried your method.  However, we 
> still got the same error result.
> We are doing more research into how Axis2 Web Services are embedded into 
> Tomcat.  Perhaps there is a solution there.
> Is there anything missing there that might be causing the URL 
> "services/FileService?wsdl"  leading to
> "/axis2-web/listSingleService.jsp" not found"  error.
> Regards,
> Susheel Jalali
> Customer Operations Leader,
> Coscend Communications Solutions
> _Susheel.Jalali@CoscendCommunications.com_
> Web 
> <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Coscend’s**Software Service Factory*
> "*Coscend Communications* is ... *pioneering a new approach*to ... 
> software applications development, and systems integration."
> *Light Reading Network, *December, 2007
> "*Coscend*is at the*vanguard of a new evolution*in telco OSS/BSS systems 
> integration."
> *Caroline Chappell*
> A leading authority in the communications services software industry
> "There are *innovative*…*tools*from ... *Coscend *bubbling up, which 
> will help accelerate the data consolidation process and reduce its cost."
> *Dennis Mendyk, */Editor,/Building a *Telco Service Factory*
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail 
> Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at: 
> <>
> On 05/23/15 20:56, Alvaro wrote:
> > Please Susheel, try run red5 by this script (if not...).
> > >From here:
> >
> >
> > #
> > #!/bin/sh -e
> > #
> > # Startup script for Red5
> > export RED5_HOME=/opt/red5304
> > start_red5="$RED5_HOME/ start"
> > stop_red5="$RED5_HOME/ stop"
> > start() {
> > echo -n "Starting Red5: "
> > ${start_red5} &
> > echo "done."
> > }
> > stop() {
> > echo -n "Shutting down Red5: "
> > ${stop_red5}
> > echo "done."
> > }
> > case "$1" in
> > start)
> > start
> > ;;
> > stop)
> > stop
> > ;;
> > restart)
> > stop
> > sleep 10
> > start
> > ;;
> > *)
> > echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
> > esac
> > exit 0
> >
> >
> > here.
> >
> > You must change the line:
> >
> > export RED5_HOME=/opt/red5304
> >
> > your true installation path:
> >
> > export RED5_HOME=/your_installation_path
> >
> >
> > On my Centos 7 it works when upload any type of file.
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> >
> > .................................
> >
> >
> >
> > El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 18:16 +0600, Maxim Solodovnik escribió:
> >> Hello Susheel,
> >>
> >>
> >> Unfortunately I never saw such issue and have no CentOS 7.
> >> Maybe someone else will be able to help
> >>
> >> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Susheel Jalali
> >> <> wrote:
> >>          Dear Fellow OpenMeetings Users and Maxim:
> >>          
> >>          This issue resulted from a previous thread “File Upload to
> >>          File Explorer"
> >>          
> >> (
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          After eliminating more than 15 potential causes, we have now
> >>          found the root cause of the File Upload to File Explorer error
> >>          that we have been facing for the past two months.  Hence, for
> >>          focus, we are starting this new thread on the root cause of
> >>          the issue.
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          Details
> >>          
> >>             Problem
> >>          
> >>          There are two instances of OpenMeetings running in the
> >>          following two server environments:
> >>          
> >>          Server 1 (CentOS 6.5, MySQL, DBCP, Java JDK 7u 31)
> >>          
> >>          Server 2 (CentOS 7, MariaDB, DBCP2, Java JDK 7u 67)
> >>          
> >>          OM works perfectly in Server 1.  Further, when we compile OM
> >>          in Server 1 (CentOS 6.5) and install it in Server 2 (CentOS
> >>          7) , OM works perfectly.
> >>          
> >>          However, when we compile and install the same source code in
> >>          Server 2, it gives:   The service cannot be found for the
> >>          endpoint reference (EPR).  When we type URL:
> >>          http://ourserver:5080/CoscendCC/services/FileService?wsdl, it
> >>          gives an error of HTTP Status 500.
> >>          
> >>          Further, we get the same error output for every service we
> >>          type in URL (RoomService, CalendarService, JabberService,
> >>          UserService, ServerService).  However, some services are
> >>          working perfectly, while others are not.
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          Red5.log
> >>          
> >>          ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.1.1.5.[.[jsp] - Servlet.service() for
> >>          servlet jsp threw exception javax.servlet.ServletException:
> >>          File &quot;/axis2-web/listSingleService.jsp&quot; not found
> >>          
> >>           
> >>             We contacted Axis2 project team.  They suggested the
> >>          potential causes to be:
> >>          
> >>                  ·         The Red5 server that is making RPC calls is
> >>                  not able to locate [openmeetings-3.0.4-RELEASE.aar]
> >>                  file in the deployment folder.
> >>                  
> >>                  ·         The [openmeetings-3.0.4-RELEASE.aar]  may
> >>                  have an error, if it is in the right deployment
> >>                  folder.
> >>                  
> >>          
> >>           
> >>          
> >>          Seeking Guidance.
> >>          
> >>          1. We have checked the services directory contains the
> >>          required AAR file.
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          <prefix>/dist/red5/webapps/<application-context>/WEB-INF/services
> >>          
> >>          
> >>                               
> >>          
> >>          2.  There is a step in the post-compile installation, where we
> >>          set entire production directory hierarchy to "nobody" user.
> >>                  chown -R nobody <OpenMeetings installation directory>.
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          
> >>              Would this be affected (need to be modified)  by any
> >>          changes in Centos 7,
> >>             and, would it be more critical/strict  in Centos-7  about
> >>          this?
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          3.  Should we set up logging parameter to go deeper into the
> >>          root cause? Where and what values are advised for this issue?
> >>              Should we use  <prefix>\main\webapp\WEB-INF\classes
> >>          \logback-config.xml?
> >>          
> >>          
> >>            It has numerous loggers set to ERROR. Should we set the
> >>          Axis2 logger to "DEBUG", and re-compile ?
> >>            Which Log File is to be checked after this?
> >>          
> >>              <logger name="org.apache.axis2" level="ERROR" />
> >>              <logger name="com.mchange.v2" level="ERROR" />
> >>              <logger name="org.apache.axiom" level="ERROR" />
> >>              <logger name="org.apache.commons.httpclient"
> >>          level="ERROR" />
> >>              <logger name="" level="ERROR" />
> >>              <logger name="org.apache.axis2.enterprise"
> >>          level="ERROR" />
> >>              <logger name="httpclient.wire.header" level="ERROR" />
> >>              <logger name="" level="INFO" />
> >>              <logger name="org.apache.mina.filter.ssl.SslFilter"
> >>          level="ERROR" />
> >>              <root level="DEBUG">
> >>                  <appender-ref ref="FLOG2" />
> >>                  <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE2" />
> >>              </root>
> >>             
> >>          OR, any other file for logging?
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          4.  For a test, is there a correct way to explode the
> >>          hierarchy of files and copy it to the
> >>          ".../webapps/<application-context>/WEB-INF/services"
> >>          directory?   Does it require any additional change to work
> >>          like this?
> >>          
> >>          
> >>          5.  Is there anything else we should check ?
> >>          
> >>          
> >>            
> >>          
> >>          Thank you.
> >>          
> >>           
> >>          
> >>          Sincerely,
> >>          
> >>          Susheel Jalali
> >>          
> >>          Customer Operations Leader,
> >>          
> >>          Coscend Communications Solutions
> >>          
> >>          Elite Premio Complex Suite 200 Survey No 7 & 8 Balewadi Pune
> >>          411045 Maharashtra India
> >>          
> >>          Cell +91-9011000233
> >>          
> >>
> >>          
> >>          Web site:
> >>          
> >>          ------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>          
> >>          Coscend’s Software Service Factory
> >>          
> >>          "Coscend Communications is ... pioneering a new approach
> >>          to ... software applications development, and systems
> >>          integration."
> >>          
> >>          Light Reading Network, December, 2007
> >>          
> >>          "Coscend is at the vanguard of a new evolution in telco
> >>          OSS/BSS systems integration."
> >>          
> >>          Caroline Chappell
> >>          A leading authority in the communications services software
> >>          industry
> >>          
> >>          "There are innovative … tools from ... Coscend bubbling up,
> >>          which will help accelerate the data consolidation process and
> >>          reduce its cost."
> >>          
> >>          Dennis Mendyk, Editor, Building a Telco Service Factory
> >>          
> >>          ------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>          
> >>          CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding
> >>          E-mail Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted
> >>          at:
> >>
> >>          
> >>           
> >>          
> >>          
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> WBR
> >> Maxim aka solomax
> >
> >
> >

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