Jörn, to avoid ambiguity in case you addressed me to propose a WSD
interface. I'd prefer Anthony to come up with a proposal, because he is
closer to the multiple WSD algorithms that would be nice to include in the


On 16 February 2015 at 15:19, Joern Kottmann <kottm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 2015-02-14 at 11:09 +0100, Aliaksandr Autayeu wrote:
> > Since you're perhaps deeper in this that others you seem to be the
> > best
> > candidate to make a proposal, to check the state of the art algorithms
> > and
> > devise general enough interface for all or most of them. One way could
> > be
> > to see what the algorithms typically require, how diverse are sources
> > of
> > senses (WordNet alone has multiple different interfaces to access it),
> > which options do the algorithms take and start somewhere there to see
> > that
> > the interface is flexible enough to accommodate that diversity, has
> > ability
> > to do some built-in checks (such as detecting the case of algorithm
> > trained
> > on one source of senses working with another, or perhaps algorithm
> > relying
> > on a relation which is missing in the sense source) and be similar to
> > the
> > rest of OpenNLP. We might even end up with two interfaces (e.g. for
> > sense
> > provider and for WSD itself).
> >
> > What do you think about this way?
> Please propose an interface. We will discuss it here on the list.
> Jörn

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