On 11/27/2012 08:56 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
Do you have a question about Apache OpenOffice?  Something you always
wondered about the product?  Or a question about the OpenOffice open
source project?

Ask OpenOffice -- The Apache OpenOffice project invites your
questions.   Technical questions, questions about the open source
project, questions about where we see things going in 5 years, all are
good candidates.  You submit your questions and help rate questions
submitted by others.  We'll then collect the top 10 questions and
respond to them in a future project blog post

We're using Google Moderator to collection questions.   To submit your
question, and to view and rate questions already submitted,  go to
this page and click on "Submit a question":


Note: support questions should still go to our community support
forums (http://forum.openoffice.org/) for faster response.  Ask
OpenOffice is intended for questions of broader interest to users and
the community.



Rob, hi --

I got this message because I'm on the announce list and I see some questions have already come in, so this is an effective means of getting participation. YAY!

What I'm wondering is if we should keep links, maybe via the planning wiki, previous Google Moderator exercises -- like the AOO 4.0 suggestions. Or is there some easy way to do this by an AOO group in moderator? I don't know much about it really.


“How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world
 she wants, rather than to create it herself?”
                                        -- Anais Nin

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