On 14 January 2013 20:01, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-development.html
> The idea here is to have a dev-focused introduction page that works
> along side the similar pages we have for Marketing and QA.  This is
> the first draft.   I already see a few typos, so don't worry about
> those.   But I am looking for more content.
I like the idea that we have a document like this, a few remarks to content:
- The building guide you refer to is outdated (see first line), and many of
the other building guides are not complete.

- since not all programmers are fluent in all languages, it would be nice
to have a list of which languages are used where...otherwise it becomes
complicated to pick an "easy task".

- It would also be nice to give a short introduction to debugging, which is
far from easy (again split on languages/tools).

Jan I

> What else should we put here?  Any other links?  Any other startup tasks?
> -Rob

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