Hi Rob,

Rob Weir schrieb:
I just did a tally of new volunteers who introduced themselves onto
the QA mailing list since January 1st.  It came to a nice round
number.   We have 50 new QA volunteers, in just the first two week of

A good number have made it through the orientation modules, have a
Bugzilla account and are starting to review bug reports.  We're hoping
to clear out the backlog of unconfirmed bugs.  We've cleared out
around 100 of them in the last week.

I have noticed your guidance for the new QA volunteers. A great and important work!

So how do we want confirmed bugs to get assigned to developers?

Not at all. There is the "take" link. If a developer is really working on it, he assigns the bug to himself. Otherwise a volunteer does not know, whether he can take a bug and try to solve it. Besides the cases, when someone is told from his employer to do something, we are all volunteers and nobody can "assign" work to someone else.

In old days bugs were assigned to workers of Sun, if the bug belongs to their area of work, later to a default, collecting address of that area of work. Both do not work. There are now thousands of bugs, which are assigned to persons, who are no longer working on OpenOffice at all.

the old days, I think we had default assignments for different
components.  Does that make sense here?  Or do we want to use a view
or report of confirmed defects, ordered by severity?

The "release stopper" bugs had work quite well. QA people or committer nominate a bug by making a dependence there. If there are objections, it can be discussed on mailing list and the dependence can be removed if required. Every developer can track this issue and take a nominated bug. Whether such bug is empty or not, can influence the decision, to nominate a build for release to the Apache board.

Also, are we still using/looking at votes on bugs?  Was that an
effective way of prioritizing?

It was the only way for users to get a little bit influence on the decision, which feature will be implemented and what changes will be made. Now it might help those, who come and say "I want to help in development, but do not know in which area to work." Unfortunately it is no longer possible to select "vote" as column and sort on it. Can you enable that?

Kind regards

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