On 18.01.2013 22:47, Regina Henschel wrote:
Rob Weir schrieb:
Also, are we still using/looking at votes on bugs?  Was that an
effective way of prioritizing?

It was the only way for users to get a little bit influence on the
decision, which feature will be implemented and what changes will be
made. Now it might help those, who come and say "I want to help in
development, but do not know in which area to work." Unfortunately it is
no longer possible to select "vote" as column and sort on it. Can you
enable that?

AFAIK that is not longer possible in Bugzilla 4. There the voting feature has been demoted to an extension [1] and things like searching by vote have been removed completely [2] and the vote count is no longer exported via its XML or JSON webservices.

[1] http://www.bugzilla.org/releases/4.0/release-notes.html#v40_feat_vot_ext
[2] http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/tip/en/html/api/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.html#search

I hope that Bugzilla gets its full voting system features back as I liked it and always consider the vote count when prioritizing issues.


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