On 02/06/2013 05:57 AM, Herbert Duerr wrote:
I just saw that Ariel had already provided an excellent answer when I had trouble with my mail connection. Sorry about that.

On 06.02.2013 11:49, Herbert Duerr wrote:
Hi Michael,

On 06.02.2013 04:06, Michael Lam wrote:
I would like to update some of the Java libraries used, starting with
hsqldb. Is there any preference to getting the source and building the
jar or just grabbing the jar from the project site?

Some other Apache projects are redistributing unmodified upstream JARs,
so I guess we could do this as well and this would simplify the build.

There are four BZ
issues in reference to hsqldb with patches, I am going to test the new
version to make sure those issues are resolved but they are very old.
Should I open another issue for this?

Opening just one issue with task about updating hsqldb should suffice.

Is there any recommendation/objection on this? After hsqldb I would like
to move on to lucene.

Thank you very much for working on this!

Just a general question, there are many old issues on BZ for example
there are 96 for hsqldb but most of them are from 2006 and is referring
to an old version of OpenOffice, would it be possible to close very old

Sure, obsolete issues can be closed. Quickly skimping over the list of
hsqldb issues [1] shows that some problems may be generic and could
still be relevant. Having their reports and descriptions on how to
reproduce them could be valuable enough to reconsider closing them.
Maybe they are interesting test cases when you upgraded hsqldb?

[1] http://s.apache.org/aoo_hsqldb_open


Thank you Herbert and Ariel. I already have a build with the latest code from SVN and the latest jar from hsqldb. I was thinking the same as using the existing issues especially the one with the patches as test cases to make sure the new jar doesn't introduce regression.

I can look into updating the files both ways to build but I would think it is better to just retrieve the jar and simplify the build process. As a new volunteer, the current process is quite complex even with the great documentation. I think simplifying it by concentrating on the core openoffice code would be helpful.

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