On 5 March 2013 19:20, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 6:08 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > On 13/02/2013 Rob Weir wrote:
> >>
> >> For example, I've seen it written that to
> >> contribute to AOO means that you must transfer ownership of the code
> >> to teh ASF.  Of course, this is not true. You retain the ownership
> >
> >
> > I added a sentence about this to
> > http://openoffice.apache.org/contributing-code.html
> > since this is a common misconception indeed. The rest of the page is
> really
> > informative, it deserves publicity!
> >
> Thanks.  I'm hoping it does just that -- clear up any confusion.
> However, it is hard to be both concise and accurate.  As we know the
> ASF policy in this area is nuanced, and a contribution is more the
> start of a process than a single instant event.
> For example, the page currently says, "The code must be under the
> Apache License 2.0. Any dependencies must also be under that license
> or a similar permissive license."
> This is a fair piece of advise, but we know that the truth is far more
> complicated.  There can be some non-permissive dependencies, in binary
> form, with some licenses, for example.  But if we had to explain it
> completely the page would unnecessarily duplicate what already exists
> elsewhere on apache.org.  And unfortunately what already exists is
> inscrutable to the typical reader of that page.
> But I did recently think about an alternative way of expressing the
> requirement, which might show the flexibility inherent in the process.
>  Instead of talking directly about the license, we could say something
> like this:
> "-- The code must be contributed by or with permission of the original
> author(s) of the code.  Dependencies on 3rd party libraries should be
> discussed on the dev list, to see how these can be brought into
> conformance with ASF policy."
+1 that is a very clear formulation. I should I assume read libraries/tools.

> Regards,
> -Rob
> > Regards,
> >   Andrea.
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