On 3/10/13 4:49 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Kadal Amutham <vka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Most of the cases the screen shots will be developed by the organisation
>> who want to use it. So when ever there is a request for permission, it
>> shall be granted immediately, including the screen shots of our website. If
>> the want any screen shot, which they can not make it themselves, then the
>> same can be provided by openoffice.org.
>> For example, if they want a screen shot with Tamil text, I can provide them.
> We don't see many cases where they create their own screen shots. That
> doesn't mean it doesn't happen, of course.  But it may mean that those
> who create their own screenshots don't think they need permission to
> use them, so they never write to us.
> When we are contacted it is almost always for permission to use an
> existing screenshot from our website.
> But certainly it is one possibility to create in advance screenshots
> in just English but then say on the website that we can create
> additional languages on request.  However, the more that we do in
> advance the easier it is for the journalist example, and more likely
> they will use our materials.

Sure anybody can create screenshots on their own but the idea here is to
have a set of high quality screenshots in place. It makes a huge
difference to have a screenshot of an hello world document or a more
sophisticated document with real life content and well formatted, or a
more complex spreadsheet with charts, or a power presentation ...

We don't need a huge collection but 1 or 2 for each application or a
collage of some of them together.

I think it's basic press and marketing material that we should have in
place. Simply to make it easy for people who need a screenshot and that
we are satisfied with the outcome.


> -Rob
>> With Warm Regards
>> V.Kadal Amutham
>> 919444360480
>> 914422396480
>> On 10 March 2013 20:36, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> The PMC receives requests, every couple of weeks, from book publishers
>>> for permission to use OpenOffice screenshots in a book.  Most often
>>> they are asking to use a specific screenshot from the website that
>>> they have identified, such as:
>>> http://www.openoffice.org/product/pix/writer-big.png
>>> Generally, Apache permits the use of product screenshots in books, per
>>> the trademark policy here:
>>> http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/faq/#insidebook
>>> However, that only covers the trademark.  There is another rights
>>> owner to consider, the author of the document included in the
>>> screenshot, including any text, graphics, images, etc., displayed.  Of
>>> course, the book publisher can avoid that issue by making their own
>>> screenshots.  But that is extra work.  Generally they are trying to
>>> clear permissions for dozens or hundreds of images.  The more
>>> difficult we make it, the less likely they are use it.  Since this is
>>> free publicity for us, we should try to make it easy for them to use.
>>> Another issue is that our posted screenshots are quite old.  They
>>> don't reflect the new Apache branding.
>>> Here's how we can do better:
>>> 1) Create a set of "demo" documents that showcase the capabilities of
>>> OpenOffice.  Use either public-domain text (Charles Dickens, for
>>> examples) or Loren Ipsum, or original text contributed to the project
>>> under ALv2 by the original authors.   We want documents, for all of
>>> our applications. that look good, and are clearly under ALv2.
>>> Multilingual text would be ideal, or separate documents for different
>>> languages.  (We do get requests from book publishers in many
>>> countries, so having a native-language screenshot is ideal)
>>> 2) Create screenshots for each document, on each platform  Do it with
>>> AOO 3.4.1 for now.  But plan on repeating with each major new release.
>>>  Agree on screen resolutions, color depth, and image formats, so we
>>> have uniformity.
>>> 3) Host the screenshots online, along with text that explains their
>>> purpose and permissions.
>>> What do we think?  I can help with the webpage and with screen shots
>>> on Windows.  But I'll need help assembling a set of showcase demo
>>> files.
>>> Note: aside from book publishers, this will also be useful for
>>> journalists who want a screenshot for an article.
>>> -Rob
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