On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Hagar Delest <hagar.del...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Top post.
> Since it's rather clear that there will never be any agreement about this,
> why doesn't PMC start a [Vote]?
> This topic is eating energy for nothing. There is no point arguing
> furthermore.
> If I understand correctly the problem (even if it was not exactly the
> initial point from Jörg), the basic question could be:
> Should the votes field be reset to 0 for all current bug reports?
> What it should possibly mean:
> Yes => votes are not representative of the users feedback and should not
> really be taken into account.
> No => votes are considered as representative of the users feedback, even old
> votes.

That would be rather silly, since no one has actually proposed setting
the votes to zero.  Look at the title of the thread again.  Do you see
any "[PROPOSAL]" there?   Resetting the votes was just one option, out
of 5 or 6, that was brought up during a discussion.

My take away from the thread was that the preference is not to do
anything, and in effect continue to ignore the votes.  Whether they
are reset or ignored is immaterial to me.  I'll just work on better
and more accurate ways of getting user feedback, that are not
dependent on Bugzilla votes.


> The users community is watching you...
> Hagar
> Le 14/03/2013 09:56, Jörg Schmidt a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> By a request in the forum
>> (http://de.openoffice.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=61365), I get the
>> information, the Issue #3959 was not implemented since 2002, although he has
>> already received 355 votes.
>> (Note: the implementation of the issues is not particularly important to
>> me, I personally have not even voted for it.)
>> I know it, earlier in OpenOffice, org, not practice was unfortunately
>> votes cast for issues as direct, binding standard for their implementation
>> to consider, But how is that today?.
>> It is clear to me the AOO is created by volunteers who choose their
>> detailed tasks themselves, but should we not also be a concern comply with
>> the interests of the users of AOO?
>> That would not only be of practical benefit to users, but would also
>> enhance the reputation of AOO, as in the practice oriented project.
>> Why the latter is important?
>> I think because of the positive reputation of AOO in public grow the
>> number of our supporters (sponsors, supporters, developers) will be.
>> My view:
>> We should not emulate LibreOffice because LibreOffice may be innovative,
>> but public statements about quality and consistency of LibreOffice are
>> devastating.
>> For example, the chairman of the FroDeV spoke (a German association for
>> the promotion of free software) this publicly recently plain text, see:
>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.documentfoundation.libreoffice.discuss.german/13802
>> (Sorry only in German)
>> My questions are:
>> Are there any agreements which result to have the number of votes for an
>> issue? Is there some agreement that a high number of votes to be reason, the
>> implementation of Issues to be considered as a priority?
>> What is your basic view on this?
>> Greetings
>> Jörg
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