On 2/20/13 11:32 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> On 2/20/13 10:46 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we make good progress with the sidebar work which is done on the branch.
>> The sidebar will be the most visible and important change for 4.0 (by
>> the way I like what I have seen so far). We come closer to the point
>> where we should talk about a more detailed schedule.
>> I would like to start with the following proposal and still many steps
>> have to be defined in more detail.
>> 03/01 function verification test will start, define test case, prepare
>> tests etc.
>> 04/04 integrate sidebar branch in trunk, other new features should be
>> finished by this date as well.
> I missed to add that the art work (logo, icons, etc. should be finished
> at this date as well)
>> 04/05 - 05/15 regression testing will be start on trunk
>> 04/05 - 05/15 bugfix and stabilization, no feature development
>> 04/08 - 05/15 translation -> I guessed ~5 weeks for updating the new
>> strings. This can change when we know exactly how many new strings we
>> will have. But translation for new languages can already work on the
>> existing po files for 3.4.1.
>> 05/21 RC1
>> 06/04 RC2
>> 06/18 RC3 (optional), can be GA already
>> 06/25 GA -> this should be our final target
>> This is a proposal based on the ongoing work that I no. Please let me
>> know if I missed something important.
>> Regular developer builds 1/week + nightly builds
>> Based on feedback and potential changes I will put this in the wiki later.
>> Important is from my pov that we start talking about the improvements
>> that we make in public. It should be very clear for anybody where the
>> real important features and improvement for OpenOffice or derivatives
>> are coming from ;-)

I will try to give n update on the current plan.

The sidebar branch is not yet integrated but I expect that it will be
finished next week latest. That means we will have a delay of some days
here. As soon as I have concrete dates I will update the plan in the wiki.

Some further things are ongoing and we should try to finish this work
soon (2 weeks) to have the stuff in place and can start or concentrate
on bug fixing and stabilization.


>> Juergen

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