On 4/4/13 11:27 AM, mengualjean...@free.fr wrote:
> Hi,
> Does some cycle exist about releasing of OOo? Because since the schedule, it 
> seems that OOo 4.0 will not include current work about accessibility. It is a 
> pitty as I think it is a major contribution and it would be a pitty if we 
> should wait for end of 2014 to see it. It seems things could be ready for 
> novembre. Do you think we can hope progress during 1st six months 2014? In a 
> 4.1 release I get?

we had 2 releases last year and I don't see any reason why we should not
have 2 releases this year. It really depends on what we have for a new
release. We don't want release something only to have a new release.

The accessibility work is a big and major task and takes some time. It
can't be finished in time for 4.0 but we will see how the development
moves forward. It can be a good candidate for a 4.1.


> Regards,
> ----- Mail d'origine -----
> De: Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>
> À: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> Envoyé: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 10:46:16 +0200 (CEST)
> Objet: Re: [RELEASE]: proposed schedule for AOO 4.0
> On 2/20/13 11:32 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> On 2/20/13 10:46 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> we make good progress with the sidebar work which is done on the branch.
>>> The sidebar will be the most visible and important change for 4.0 (by
>>> the way I like what I have seen so far). We come closer to the point
>>> where we should talk about a more detailed schedule.
>>> I would like to start with the following proposal and still many steps
>>> have to be defined in more detail.
>>> 03/01 function verification test will start, define test case, prepare
>>> tests etc.
>>> 04/04 integrate sidebar branch in trunk, other new features should be
>>> finished by this date as well.
>> I missed to add that the art work (logo, icons, etc. should be finished
>> at this date as well)
>>> 04/05 - 05/15 regression testing will be start on trunk
>>> 04/05 - 05/15 bugfix and stabilization, no feature development
>>> 04/08 - 05/15 translation -> I guessed ~5 weeks for updating the new
>>> strings. This can change when we know exactly how many new strings we
>>> will have. But translation for new languages can already work on the
>>> existing po files for 3.4.1.
>>> 05/21 RC1
>>> 06/04 RC2
>>> 06/18 RC3 (optional), can be GA already
>>> 06/25 GA -> this should be our final target
>>> This is a proposal based on the ongoing work that I no. Please let me
>>> know if I missed something important.
>>> Regular developer builds 1/week + nightly builds
>>> Based on feedback and potential changes I will put this in the wiki later.
>>> Important is from my pov that we start talking about the improvements
>>> that we make in public. It should be very clear for anybody where the
>>> real important features and improvement for OpenOffice or derivatives
>>> are coming from ;-)
> I will try to give n update on the current plan.
> The sidebar branch is not yet integrated but I expect that it will be
> finished next week latest. That means we will have a delay of some days
> here. As soon as I have concrete dates I will update the plan in the wiki.
> Some further things are ongoing and we should try to finish this work
> soon (2 weeks) to have the stuff in place and can start or concentrate
> on bug fixing and stabilization.
> Juergen
>>> Juergen
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