Am 21.06.2013 17:06, schrieb Rob Weir:
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 10:56 AM, RA Stehmann
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> I can understand your concerns, but they aren't drasticly.
>> I'm with you, that we have to make clear, the Box isn't a product of the
>> ASF but distributed by the "Verein Freies Office Deutschland e.V..".
>> But on the other hand the "Verein Freies Office Deutschland e.V.." isn't
>> any old third party.
> We need to be fair.  Treating one 3rd party special is not fair.

Treating equal things unequal isn't fair, but it's also unfair treating
unequal things equal. You have to make the decision, what's equal and
whd what's unequa and in what aspect. That's the sense of "suum cuique
>> It's a charitable german entity supporting Free office software. It's
>> still supporting Apache OpenOffice. The computer an the monitor at our
>> Fosdem stand were provided by "Verein Freies Office Deutschland e.V..".
>> Disclaimer: I'm no member of that club, but know persons who are.
>> So IMO it's ok to put that news in the news line of the homepage, making
>> clear, who's the distributor of that product.
> I'd be much happier if the German community listened to what I am
> saying and took steps to address the full issue. IMHO you need to add
> a page that gives equal access to all 3rd party ports and
> distributions, and not just favor a single one with a news
> announcement.

see above.

IMO you like to treat uneqal things equal.

Making a page presenting third party products makes sense.

But it don't makes sense, presenting all third party products in the
news. And it makes IMO sense presenting the box there.

> If you then give announcements of updates to these distributions,
> whenever they occur, and do such announcements fairly, not for just a
> single 3rd party, then this might be OK.   So if you really want to
> move this forward I'd highly recommend creating and maintaining a
> German version of the porting page:

Doing one thing doesn't mean to drop another.


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