thnks for reply :)

I can do development in C,C++ or JAVA, and frankly i want to contribute
something. I just use  OSS,  for my work and haven't done any contribution
yet, so it doesn't feels nice ..

I'm comfortable with development, but i don't know, where to start and how
to start .....

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:22 AM, Kay Schenk <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:45 AM, sumit Murari <>
> wrote:
> > hello all, My name is timus, i've been using OpenOffice, and many OSS,
> now
> > i want to contribute some to openOffice.
> >
> >
> > I'm from India, and i'm interested in contributing to OpenOffice.....
> >  I've never contributed in any OSS so far, my contribution was limited to
> > using software sending statistics and sending the crash report if i
> > encountered any.
> > Looking for anyone who can guide me ...
> >
> > Any help will be appreciated ..
> >
> Hello timus and it's great that you want to get involved with OpenOffice.
> It would help if we had an idea of what areas you would like to help with.
> Some of our major areas, aside from direct user support through the Forums
> or "users" list, are discussed in the orientation modules:
> So, if you can tell us a little more about what you'd like to do, we can
> assist you with your OpenOffice volunteer efforts better.
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> "When in doubt, cop an attitude."
>                 -- Cat laws


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