On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Andrew Rist <andrew.r...@oracle.com> wrote:

> On 9/6/2013 4:41 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
> <snip>
>  Another angle is to realize that enabling the user and motivating them in
>> a specific direction is more powerful than trying to steer them away from a
>> specific direction. Maybe the problem is we are not making the support
>> forums sound attractive enough? Maybe if we said something like, "For the
>> fastest and most expert response, post your question to...."? Make the
>> forums sound like the most attractive option. We know they are the best
>> place for questions, of course. But we ought to describe it equally
>> attractively. -Rob
> Perhaps this is a situation of people who are more comfortable with email
> as a tool as opposed to a forum.  If you are not familiar with forums in
> general, our forum can be pretty daunting to navigate - there's a lot of
> info there.

I think you could be right about this. The other thing is I think people
want some immediate way, once they get to the contact page, to actually
"DO" something there -- e-mail or a web form -- to get help. So sending
them on to another page is frustrating.

On the "dev" email link being there. I think this is historical from when
we moved the site to Apache and were just getting things started, and maybe
even before we set up us...@openoffice.apache.org. It's placement there now
is not really relevant.

Assuming we put in a link to "users" in the first paragraph, I think the
rest of the e-mail links, with the existing subject lines which are
helpful, should stay.

> Do we have a way of bridging the two?  Is there a way to have an email
> address (e.g. forum_questi...@openoffice.org**) that autoposts to a catch
> all forum topic.  Then after the post was triaged, the poster would be
> autosubscribed for replies?
> I have no idea if something like this is possible, but it could provide
> both a bridge to introduce these users to the forum, and a mechanism to
> provide for feedback without having dev become help.
> A.
>>>  <more snip>
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