Am 10/18/2013 08:11 PM, schrieb Jerry Slivka:

I've been a loyal user of Open Office for the past several years.  The
spreadsheet does a nice job of replacing the basics of Excel.

Two things though that I really would like to see be improved or added
for future releases:

1) In a large spreadsheet I block several cells and only want to print
those cells.  Print Preview and Print wants to print the whole
spreadsheet, which could be several pages.  But, maybe I only need a
half page or about one page only.  Maybe there is a way of doing it, but
try as I do I can't seem to get to print only what I've blocked or

please have a look for the option "Selected cells" when opening the Print dialog via "File - Print". Then also the print preview is showing only the highlighted cells.

2) Excel has a very nice block and move feature.  You can block or
highlight  a group of cells and just drag them to a different location
and keep the formatting of the moved cells.  This is slick and you don't
have to go thru a copy and paste procedure which is much more cumbersome.

Selecting cells and move via mouse is working fine and the cell content as well the formatting is moved. I don't see a problem here. Maybe you need to give us more details about what exact steps you are doing?



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