Perhaps you saw my post on changing from scrollbars to a carrousell
slider similar to this one:

The reason that scrollbars were used is to not create a huge
whitespace with a lot of content on the right side while the central
part being static. The scrollbar created a fixed design of it all.

A carrousel slider provides a much better way to show content without
having to increment the space needed.

I agree the inner/frame scrollbars are a mess, and some works need to
be done with the classes news_all and campaign.

Previously (almost 4 months ago) I recommend using a pane system,
which will allow the user to increment the size of the widget through
a hide/show on the title (this was more applied to a Faq site). Making
it possible to consume initially a minimum of space. However it seems
many people in this group have no idea what Javascript's frameworks
are, confusing them with a server-side scripting language.

On 7/12/14, Tal Daniel <> wrote:
> I suggest to dropoff the scrollbars from the News & Blog posts areas, on
> the Homepage, and unite these areas into one zone, that notifies about,
> well, anything, whether latest news, posts, wanted volunteers, important
> upcoming dates, events, etc.
> Personally, I don't think the inner/frame scrollbars help much. In fact,
> they adhere reading, and I find it hard to work with 3 scrollbars on this
> rather simple homepage, in order to read a just a few lines (usually, the
> latest blog posts & news don't contain more than 5 items), hence, the
> scrollbars are redundant.
> Voting rules:
> Remove Scrollbars: +1
> Unite Zones: +2
> Remove Scrollbars & Unite areas: +3
> DON'T Remove Scrollbars: -1
> DON'T Unite Zones: -2
> DON'T Remove Scrollbars nor Unite areas: -3
> Tal

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor
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