I did mention this suggestion in an email to WCVB and to CBS  just previous to 
this your email and let them know I was considering passing this suggestion 
along to you.  I decide now to only send this suggestion along to you and not 
to the other giants in the software industry, respectively.

I wish there was a digital spell checker with an optional dictionary and 
thesaurus as well within any PC program with a word processor attached.  

I am sending this suggestion along to open office dot org, as a way of 
contributing to their open source program, even though I am grateful to the 
giants in the software and hardware industry as well, respectively.  

Thank you for Open Office, in making it easier for me to type a large document, 
format it, and put it into an email program.

Very truly yours, 

Lisa J Zarbolias
40 Locke Street Unit 420
Haverhill, MA 01830

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