Hi Ben,

you make me laugh. At the very moment Apache OpenOffice is far behind LibreOffice if you look at interoperability to Microsoft products. Last week I tried to load an Excel sheet (with pivo) into Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1. Loading stopped and AOO hang. It was no problem to load this table with LO. A similar table (source also Microsoft Office 2010) was loaded into AOO 3.4.1 without problem and much faster than into LO (I can't remember what version of LO it was).

I will look at it next weekend and report.

There was an issue in loading this Excel sheet that I reported to bugzilla, but I think that no one ever had a look at it.

Kind regards

Am 21.10.2014 um 15:58 schrieb BRM:
On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:41 AM, Jörg Schmidt <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> 

Hello *,
From: Jürgen Schmidt [mailto:jogischm...@gmail.com]
No easy to answer when or if this will be integrated at all. We have
spend some time to integrate 2 use cases of this project and
spend many
many time on it to make it complete (our work is already
merged in LO).
The patches were incomplete and the implementation not
complete at all.
We decided for us (some developer) that we don't spend further time on
This is bad news for AOO, because it will lose more users.
I myself had tried in recent weeks to paid support for OOXML filter but 
unfortunately could not find one.

Unfortunately that will always be the state of OOXML integration for anyone 
other than Microsoft since OOXML is a poorly defined standard that relies on 
many binary extensions that are not published. Kind of like the old 
DOC/XLS/PPT/MDB formats that were (in many ways) memory dumps of their 
respective applications - only for OOXML they're wrapped by XML.

Until Microsoft publishes a real standard no one will ever be able to have true 
Of course, this kind of hurts Microsoft too since they basically have the same 
problems with OOXML that they had with the old formats between versions of 
their own Office products; a good standard would make that a non-issue.



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