This problem has indirectly to do with the lack of marketing efforts the
community has been victim off.
Without going into further rant, there should be some attention being put
to what the project is communicating right now.
On Oct 23, 2014 6:37 AM, "Rob Weir" <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 4:31 AM, RA Stehmann
> <> wrote:
> > Two thoughts:
> >
> > 1. Concerned people found it problematically that OOo depended so much
> > on SUN and later Oracle.
> >
> > So the situation under the "roof" of the Apache Software Foundation is a
> > real progress. So we shouldn't complain that IBM doesn't try to dominate
> > our project by creating new dependencies, but encourage people to join
> > our project as developers and more companies to support us.
> >
> > 2. For a "Productivity Suite" the release cycle is proper. Neither
> > bigger companies nor smaller enterprises want to roll out a new version
> > of an office suite each quarter. So even a bigger time lag between
> > versions would fit.
> >
> > And the brand is so well known that we don't need press releases every
> > month. We should continueing (and maybe force) our marketing activities;
> > saying our users we make a non harum-scarum but firm progress.
> >
> > So concerns are needed but no lamenting. We should find out, what our
> > opportunities are, and jump at them in time.
> >
> +1
> Those who have been with the project for a while have seen the full
> range of criticism:
> -- IBM will not contribute to AOO at all.  IBM will just take code.
> -- IBM will dominate the project with too many IBM developers
> -- IBM will not contribute Symphony like they said they would
> -- IBM will contribute Symphony but not any developers to work on it
> They will just take code.
> -- IBM has stuffed the project with Chinese developers with an intent
> to force Symphony to be the new AOO
> -- IBM does not have enough Chinese developers
> -- IBM is not leading the project enough
> One might ask, exactly how many IBM developers do we need in order to
> elicit praise from the critics?  What is the magic number that is
> neither too little nor too much?   Or, will critics merely complain,
> regardless?
> When the project started, I invoked the old proverb, "The dogs may
> bark but the caravan moves on."   We have more important things to
> discuss than what dogs are barking today.
> -Rob
> > Regards
> > Michael
> >
> >
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