On 12/28/2014 01:06 PM, jan i wrote:
> On 28 December 2014 at 19:33, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On 27/12/2014 Kay Schenk wrote:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=50855951
>>>>> Nice changes, Andrea!
>>> We also need a 3-5 lines descriptions to appear at
>>> https://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/ACNA2015ContentCommittee
>> I saw this request but was rather reluctant to expand it until we were sure
>> we had enough to do a "track".
>>>  I'm not sure we can actually "do" this part. I think having the topics
>>>> will probably determine the best speakers. Hopefully, these speakers
>>>> will submit proposals.
>>> We can do it in phases. As usual, we are a widely distributed project and
>>> indeed it's very hard that all the most competent people for each topic
>> are
>>> physically in the same place. For some topics we will have the best
>> people,
>>> for some other topics we will have competent people who can still
>> deliver a
>>> good presentation, for some we may have nobody. and those should then be
>>> removed.
>>>  In any case, I would like to send out a message  to our "announcements"
>>>> and "dev" lists about the topics and the conference before Jan. 1 if
>>>> there are no objections.
>>> The "dev" list is OK for a start (last time I sent a request for talk
>>> proposals to the announce list, I got several funny but useless
>> proposals).
>>> So if we can start by finalizing the topics, then ask here if we have
>>> volunteers for each topic, we can start putting some names.
>> Maybe with the proposed/recommended topics, "useless" proposals will be
>> minimized? At any rate, the real crux of the matter is what get's submitted
>> through the CFP. I still feel the "announcements" list would be valuable.
>> Maybe we can slate the announcement for tomorrow, the 29th, with today for
>> final changes to the proposals.
>> Shall we add a draft announcement section to the proposals page? My feeling
>> is we should emphasize that, even though this is being held in North
>> America, some travel assistance IS available. And, I think it might be
>> worth our while to try to engage  graduate level students in CSCI or
>> Software Engineering to present ideas on improvement to OpenOffice -- the
>> futures area?

Draft announcement text added as a comment to:

Will be removed when the announcement is actually sent.
Changes very welcome! :)

> TAC is for sure available (I am on the committee), we sponsored 12 people
> at budapest...and I would like to see the same level for austin. In general
> applicant on the same continent tend to get better scores, just as an
> advice.
> I am happy to help if somebody have questions about how to fill out our
> forms.
> rgds
> jan I.
>>> Regards,
>>>   Andrea.
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>> MzK
>> "There's a bit of magic in everything,
>>   and some loss to even things out."
>>                             -- Lou Reed


"There's a bit of magic in everything,
  and some loss to even things out."
                    -- Lou Reed

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