Help us understand your situation more closely so that someone might volunteer 
a solution.

 1. Tell us about your existing computer.
    What version of operating system does it have?  If Windows, what version - 
95, XP, 7, ?
    What version of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel does it have?
    Is it files on this computers that you want to move to the new one?

 2. Tell us about the new computer.
    What version of operating system does it have?  Linux, Windows, something 
    What version of OpenOffice does it have?  
    Are you wanting to use files from the old computer on the new computer?
    Are you wanting to produce Word and Excel format using OpenOffice and learn 
the ways to do that?
    What files from the existing computer were you not able to open using 
OpenOffice on the new one?

 - Dennis

PS: Please reply to the dev @ list.  Direct personal 
requests will be ignored.

-----Original Message-----
From: Enda Reynolds [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2015 10:04
Subject: problems......

I recently bought a 2nd hand computer which has open 
office as it's default .My problem is that all my existing documents etc
 etc as well as spreads are in windows, so I now have to run 2 computers ,
 side by fucking side, which is a poxy nuisance because the ONLY reason
 I'd use apache anything is to access the I've to 
write a document or whatever in word .Access /excel on one computer, 
then save it on a stick before transferring the stick to my new PC, 
which has internet access........ I can't save or 
convert open office to windows and vice versa, so what do i do?go out 
and BUY a windows 8, or is there a conversion option available in 
OpenOffice??It's like having a book in Chinese but no way of translating
 it to's appropriate u call urselves apache..i 
feel like I've been scalped, open office is as useful as a chocolate teapot,


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