> On 20 Jan 2015, at 05:42, Ian Lynch <> wrote:
> My view is more positive. Louis has at least one thing in his favour - long
> term experience. Also I think he has a clear track record of commitment to
> the project in difficult times. I have had differences with him in the
> past, but I think that is just part of any pluralist system. I don't
> particularly want to be in a situation where everyone has to agree with
> everyone. What matters is matching experience and expertise to the job and
> the evidence is he knows this job is different from the previous community
> manager job he had with Sun. For a start he isn't getting paid to do it
> now.

Thanks, Ian. Note, I stopped disagreeing with Ian a decade ago. :-) And, in 
fact, I am rather impressed with the success of his efforts and his great 
optimism. And, yeah, my participation with AOO is now and likely will be for 
the foreseeable future as a volunteer. I get no money out of the time I spend 
boring the readers of this.

But I really need to underscore what we are voting on (or for) here. Strictly 
defined, this chair position is basically an admin role, and that, as part of 
its admin function, it does routine Apache things: reports, most obviously, but 
also infra stuff, as well as ensuring the execution of AOO's policies, and so 
on. It also—and this is probably more important—the speaker to Apache for AOO. 
(That itself does not mean much. But AOO remains a bit of an enigma, as it is 
so enduser focused.) Most importantly, it's not a "leadership" position. There 
is no "project lead." To imagine it otherwise is to be mistaken. (It is in part 
for this reason I surmise that Andrea has always stated that what he does—and 
the PMC, too—as representing the community, not leading it.)

I can see why a longstanding (and former colleague) developer like Juergen 
would feel that the past I carry (as does he, as do we all) would affect the 
Chair's effectiveness. But that would presume that the role is anything other 
than that stipulated, which would mean it presumes that the PMC has implicitly 
already granted enhanced status to the chair. /laugh/

To restate, I think we need an admin to do admin and Apache things. More 
personally, I also think we need to reach out to developers and their companies 
and government offices; and to see about collaboration, if possible and perhaps 
in only narrow ways, with TDF and LO. I find it insane that the division 
persists. But that's not at issue here.

I would have been delighted to have seen a fresh face from the PMC roster stand 
for election. But …? Most on it, most who have voted so far, are holdovers, 
like me, from OOo, or comparative newbies like Rob and Dennis, who have long 
been involved in ODF issues. The absence of new people casting binding votes 
leads me to wonder: What could we do to find new contributors we'd be willing 
to make PMC members? What are we doing now? Even more, what are doing to extend 
the ecosystem? Outside of the work Ian and Alexandro are doing—what?


PS I had earlier written that Jan and I differed in our take on what the chair 
position was about. Jan chided me on this point privately. But we have no 
differences in reading the description of the role. Our only difference lies in 
how we would like to leverage the role. He has better connections within Apache 
than I do, and that's important. I have better connections with many of the 
sectors using OpenOffice outside of Apache, and with the remnants of the 
ecosystem that existed for OOo, and my idea was to leverage the position of 
chair to promote AOO among those hundreds of millions (or a handful)—and to 
frame "promote" as meaning as much to get new developers as to get new users. 
But, of course, that's entirely up to the PMC to enable.

PPS, no doubt, Jan will again privately chide me for misrepresenting his views. 

> On 20 January 2015 at 09:32, Jürgen Schmidt <> wrote:
>> On 20/01/15 00:29, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>>>> On 19 Jan 2015, at 13:32, Kay Schenk <> wrote:
>>>> I am probably seeming very disagreeable here.
>>> Nope. You'll have to try harder :-)
>>> More seriously, you point to a flaw that was not evident on an abstract
>> level but was in practice. I had an IM conversation with Andrea over the
>> weekend, where I proposed that I withdraw my nomination, as having several
>> -1 obviously damaged the ideal of consensus. An objection to my doing that
>> now is that it's not clear what would be gained. Andrea and others believe
>> that the election process has proceeded as it ought to have, with enough
>> time allowed for discussion and then vote. But you argue the contrary, and
>> it seems that a couple of others share your views.
>>> I have no problems withdrawing my candidacy and asking for new round.
>> But I do want to point out a couple of things. 1. The chair role is not at
>> all like that of, itself a kind of blur. This role is far
>> more precisely defined and is an admin role. It actually rather resembles
>> some of what I did while at CollabNet, and that included a lot of issue
>> cleaning, tracking, infra stuff, permissions management, and so on. That I
>> see some value beyond this is my take on it; as you know, Jan, for
>> instance, has another. 2. I thought that the PMC could be reevaluated,
>> though I'm by no means sure in what way, exactly. But I don't need to be;
>> others have good ideas, I believe, or at least ideas that could be aired. I
>> thought, and I think I was not alone in in this, that any re-doing of the
>> PMC, however, should logically proceed *after* the election, as the
>> candidate is elected by the binding votes of those making up the existing
>> PMC. The sequence I envisioned was: A. Election; B. P
>> M
>> C re-evaluation; C. New election if need be or is desired. There is no
>> absolute set term for the chair.
>>> Finally, I also felt that Andrea wanted to step down and do it before
>> February. But as he's recently underscored, he's not working on a deadline,
>> just a desire.
>>> All that said, if we do want to go with a new round, starting from
>> scratch, then suggest a sequence and timing. Personally, it might be
>> cleaner—and also save time, in the end, to wait out this round, and if it
>> failed as an election, *then* start afresh. In this event, then we'd start
>> with the new process next week, I'd guess.
>> sorry for not answering earlier but I was on vacation and missed the
>> whole discussion ...
>> I will not vote right now because I believe the currently ongoing vote
>> shows already a clear signal. Well it is up to Louis to interpret the -1
>> votes on his own but I personally believe that Louis with his long
>> history as community manager (how it was called) is somewhat negative
>> contaminated and I believe he won't be the right PMC chair for the moment.
>> I propose a second round with hopefully more nominated candidates and it
>> is not necessary to have a long history in AOO. Just keep in mind the
>> role of the PMC and think if you can manage it. If you are motivated to
>> do it and help the project to move forward.
>> This is my personal opinion only
>> Juergen
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