On 07/05/2015 02:28 PM, Jason Marshall wrote:
> Hello
> With reference to the query below and having examined the 'bootstrap'
> script, I realised that the script was expecting to be able to 'cd'
> to a directory named 'DMAKE_4_12', using the comment below:
> cd "$dmake_directory_name" || exit
> However, the following command in the 'bootstrap' script resulted in
> the dmake archive being extracted to a directoyr named
> 'dmake-DMAKE_4_12' resulting in the above command failing, as
> indicated in my original e-mail below.
> tar -xzf "dmake_full_package_name"
> Accordingly, I manually added the following line to the 'bootstrap'
> script following the tar command, which renames the directory where
> dmake was extracted to, so allowing the script to change to the
> expected directory:
> mv dmake-DMAKE_4_12 $dmake_directory_name
> The workaround above is perhaps obvious when isolated as above, but I
> am unclear if this means that there is essentially an error in the
> 'bootstrap' script which is included or created as part of the
> download of the source code.  Or alternatively perhaps my own
> specific platform (Windows 7 32 bit) is causing this problem.
> Anyway, having made the change above, bootstrap appears to have run
> and concluded without an error message.
> Kind regards
> Jason

Thanks for letting u know about this. We will investigate.
And good for you for your success!

>> From: j_k_marshall_2...@live.com To: dev@openoffice.apache.org 
>> Subject: Building query: .bootstrap Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 15:52:32
>> +0000
>> Hi everyone
>> I am building OpenOffice on a Windows 7 system and have got so far
>> as successfully running .configure.  Following this, I execute
>> .bootstrap, but I note the following:
>> * When the missing tarballs and external sources are downloaded,
>> the script seems to identify that for some of these, the checksum
>> does not match that expected.  Could anyone tell me why this would
>> occur and if this is an issue from a security standpoint?  I. e. is
>> it possible that what is being downloaded by .bootstrap is unsafe?
>> Also, is it okay to simply progress to the build anyway?
>> * .bootstrap ends with the following:
>> DMAKE_4_12.tar.gz exists epm-4.2.tar.gz exists making and entering
>> C:/cygwin/tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/solenv/wntmsci12.pro/misc/build/ 
>> unpacking
>> /tmp/aoo-4.1.1/ext_sources/7abf18f59ca96a3d463386e6d1456138-DMAKE_4_12.tar.gz
entering DMAKE_4_12
>> ./bootstrap: line 100: cd: DMAKE_4_12: No such file or directory
>> The message clearly tells me that a directory does not exist, but I
>> would assume that this directory would be created automatically.
>> Would anybody know what has gone wrong here?
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Kind regards
>> Jason 


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