Thanks max, you are correct about the missing "not."  Thanks.  I'll correct 

We don't know if it is a global change of permissions, or some change related 
to account privileges, so far.  The SCOPE OF PROBLEM section is intended to 
identify that case.  Does that help?

This is apparently a rare problem, not something done in all upgrades.  We want 
to understand it.  If it is not specific to OpenOffice, it is still important 
to support OpenOffice users in finding a resolution.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Merbald [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2015 10:46
Subject: Re: REPORTING Windows 10 Upgrade Issues: BASIC SITUATION

Hello Dennis,

I think in the first line of your text you mean, "reports of some users 
NOT being able to edit in Openoffice after upgrading to Win 10". This is 
what I read from the mails in this list.

I must say I haven't had any problems at all after I upgraded to Win 10; 
everything is in correct working order.

As to the read-only files, maybe people who experience this should check 
in their file explorer if the files in the folder they are using for 
OpenOffice are set to "read only". Seems like the likeliest thing to me.


Am 08.08.2015 um 19:28 schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton:
> We are reading reports of some users being able to edit in OpenOffice after 
> upgrading to Windows 10.  We have not been able to reproduce the situation 
> from that information alone.  Many of us have upgraded to Windows 10 without 
> difficulty.
> If you or someone you know is having this problem show up in OpenOffice, 
> please help us by working with the Windows 10 computer that is involved.  
> Reply only to and not to individuals.  If you reply 
> to me, I will assume that I have permission to post your reply to this list 
> and personally forward it to the list.
> This is a little lengthy.  It is to obtain just the basics.  Depending on the 
> basic information, there will be follow-ups to obtain further details.
>     Have you noticed this problem on files other than those you use with 
> OpenOffice?
>     If you don't know or if you only use OpenOffice to work on documents, no 
> problem.  If you can easily determine that this problem goes beyond 
> OpenOffice, it is important to know that.
>     If you notice the problem with other files and applications let us know. 
> That is very important.  Because you are having the difficulty with 
> OpenOffice either way, please go through the remainder of this procedure 
> anyhow.
> In Windows 10, right click on the Windows button (leftmost symbol on the task 
> bar), and then select "System".  Please report the following information from 
> the display that appears.
>    Windows edition
>      The name of the edition (complete first line below "Windows edition"):
>    System
>      Processor:
>      Installed memory (RAM):
>      System type:
>      Pen and Touch:
>     Now left click on the Windows button
>     On the left sidebar of the Start display that shows all programs, scroll 
> down to the letter O where you see a folder named OpenOffice.  If you don't 
> see a list of all programs, click the "All apps" item at the bottom of the 
> sidebar to show the list.  If you do not see a left sidebar at all, click the 
> menu button (a stack of three horizontal lines) in the upper-left corner of 
> the start page.
>     What is the full name of that OpenOffice folder (including any version 
> number)?:
>     Click on the OpenOffice entry in the all-programs entry.
>     In the list that opens up, click on the first entry, for OpenOffice 
> itself.  Do not click on any of the individual components.
>     OpenOffice should open and present its "dashboard" view.
>     This provides a white frame including buttons for the six types of 
> documents processed by OpenOffice.
>     At the top of the opened "OpenOffice" window, there is a menu row.  Click 
> on the Help item.  In the little pop-down list that opens, click "About 
> OpenOffice"  What is the version information in the "About ... OpenOffice" 
> display that opens up?
>     Name and version of the software (e.g., "Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1":
>     Rev. number (in line below name and version number) if any (e.g., 
> 1617669):
> Click OK on the "About ...OpenOffice" display.
> On the dashboard, there is a diagram of a file folder with an arrow emerging 
> from it.  Click on the down pointer to the right of that image.  (Not the 
> folder, the down pointer).
> Do you see a list of the last few documents you worked on?
> How many items are in the list (default maximum is 10):
> IF THERE ARE NONE, STOP HERE.  Let us know the information requested above 
> and there will be a follow-up question.
> The items in the list are numbered.  This information will be important 
> later.  Write down the numbers and the full names of the files at each 
> number.  You may have to put your mouse over any name that has been 
> abbreviated to see the full name. The full names are important for forensic 
> work.
> How many will open by clicking on their filenames in that list (do this in 
> reverse order)?:
> (This is about opening in any mode, editable or not.  To go through them one 
> at a time, you will have to close the opened one without attempting any 
> changes, then re-open OpenOffice to try the next one.)
> This procedure cannot open a file that has been moved from where it was last 
> used in OpenOffice.  OpenOffice will report this.  How many of those are 
> there?
> How many of those open with no problem and no indication they cannot be 
> edited?:
> How many of those that open are identified as being read-only or not 
> editable?:
> How do you determine that they are not editable?
> That is, what is the indication in the opened-document window.  Is it the 
> same for all of the documents that open read-only?
> Include the list of documents that open but that are not editable.  The 
> follow-up will ask you to narrow in on those files to see what about them is 
> a problem.
> When we see your response, we will have other questions about the locations 
> of those documents, or of other OpenOffice documents that you tried to open 
> that are not on that list of recent documents.
> Thank you for reporting your difficulty.  Your answers will be instrumental 
> in helping us to narrow down the case to where we can identify its origin and 
> provide a work-around.
>   - Dennis
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