| Problembeschreibung | Download failed, via sourceforge und mirrors, 8 tries 
in total.
Download via win7/firefox stopped for a while @ ~39MB, continued to the end and 
reported failed.
FYI I then used my Linux computer to download exe with no problems at all!!!!! 
F##k MS

(Was funktioniert nicht? Was wird erwartet?) |
| Browser Variablen | Werte |
| navigator.appCodeName  | Mozilla |
| navigator.appName  | Netscape |
| navigator.appVersion  | 5.0 (Windows) |
| navigator.platform  | Win32 |
| navigator.oscpu  | Windows NT 6.1 |
| navigator.cpuClass  | undefined |
| navigator.product  | Gecko |
| navigator.productSub  | 20100101 |
| navigator.vendor  |  |
| navigator.vendorSub  |  |
| navigator.language  | en-US |
| navigator.browserLanguage  | undefined |
| navigator.userLanguage  | undefined |
| navigator.systemLanguage  | undefined |
| navigator.userAgent  | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/43.0 |
| Debian / Ubuntu / IceWeasel ? | Nein / Nein / Nein |

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