Further updates, with some numbers based on Portuguese (one of the several languages that are reported as 100% complete in Pootle).

The question to answer is "What state of the code does Pootle reflect?".

If I generate the en-US.sdf template from each code version and I check how many strings differ when merging pt translations from Pootle, we have:

- trunk: 387 different strings
- branch AOO415: 97 different strings
- tag AOO401: 170 different strings

(note for building AOO401 in case someone really wishes to do so: pay attention to warnings at the bootstrap step, since we were using Google Code at the time and it is no longer available; use SourceForge to download the missing dependencies).

So the result is: what we have in Pootle now is closer to the 4.1.x series than 4.0.x or trunk, but it is not even perfectly aligned to 4.1.5.

If we found a perfect match with 4.1.0 or 4.1.1, we could create a branch and import all Pootle contents there. Thus we could produce (or let the buildbots produce) "vintage" versions that perfectly match Pootle. Of course they would be useless to users and meant just for translators to quickly check that their work is complete, before moving on to updating Pootle with trunk strings.

As for the other front: I've tested the import from Pootle, but we are not there yet. Portuguese translators provided examples of recently changed strings in Pootle (in form controls) to check. But unfortunately it seems that their strings in Pootle are not all well-formed.

This still requires a lot of manual work since Pootle does not detect malformed HTML errors. We have a tool named gsicheck that can do some basic checks, but we will need to get to a state where a language in Pootle is 100% translated and error-free in order to test a full import.


Il 30/12/2017 00:42, Andrea Pescetti ha scritto:
Some further notes (then someone else may want to reorganize this, but
for the moment I'm just collecting them):

- The problem (not a problem actually; just the need to translate some
hundreds strings again) I had empirically found for Italian indeed
affects all languages. If you download a non-English build from
https://ci.apache.org/projects/openoffice/install/linux64/ or
https://ci.apache.org/projects/openoffice/install/win/ create a new
Impress document and right-click on the slide you will see the context
menu in English. Example for German:

- Of course, any manual SDF file changes done in the past will be lost.
We can at most create a diff for people to review. But it's clear that
when somebody edits a file that contains a 10 lines tall "DO NOT EDIT"
notice (and I did it too! but it was a Pootle backport, as in many other
cases) then he should accept the risk.

- Due to the manual fixes above, SDF files in the AOO415 branch are at
times different from those in trunk. We can ignore this: manual changes
will be lost anyway, and people who edited the "DO NOT EDIT" files knew
what they were doing and will redo the work properly if needed.

- I've started testing the other part, since in the end this is what we
must do first: importing translations from Pootle to SDF files, in order
to preserve as much as possible what translators did. This is a heavily
manual process. The basic steps work:
1. Export PO files from Pootle (for this first test I used the UI, but
one can use the command-line too); both UI and help; then expand in the
same directory "it"
2. Generate the en-US template: in main/, "localize -e -l en-US -f
3. Generate the new SDF file for Italian:
po2oo -l it -t en-US.sdf --keeptimestamp --skipsource it new_it.sdf

This produces a bunch of warnings. I think most of them are due to the
fact that the strings in the AOO415 branch and trunk are simply different.

Next tests (for me or for anyone else who wants to try) would be:
1. Run the same process (2 and 3) on AOO415 and see if the match is
perfect there (no warnings)
2. Build both AOO415 and trunk with the new SDF file and see if
translations from Pootle are picked up properly.


Il 28/12/2017 00:39, Andrea Pescetti ha scritto:
Just a few notes on what I've found so far about the 4.2.0 localization,
in case others (like Keith, who wrote he is interested) want to follow
and/or proceed.

Of course, you will need:

1. A full checkout of trunk; I believe some of the tools are built
during the build process, but I'm using a fully built tree anyway.

2. Good knowledge of another language than English (I use Italian).

The wiki contains instructions for several generations of tools (past,
present and even future - but let's fix the current tools before passing
to the new ones that were promising but were never used in production).
The current process is at

An Italian build of trunk looks quite broken. For example: create a new
blank Impress document. Right-click anywhere on the slide and you'll see
that the context menu is mostly in English (Slide, Insert Snap
Point/Line). Is it broken in other languages too? This menu is of course
translated in 4.1.5.

Note that this is normal. Code rearrangements result in changes of
string identifiers, and it already happened that some code changes
resulted in the need to re-translate parts that had already been

The rest looks as expected. 4.1.5 has COUNTIFS in the formula list, but
no help for it; trunk has a help page for it, if you search COUNTIFS (in

Sp the first step is: regenerate SDF files to replace those in
(then we will have to see what to replace and how, since we'll want to
preserve work done in Pootle so far if possible).

To this aim, I've run (from within main/ )

$ localize -e -l it=en-US -f /.../my.sdf

and compared this to the Italian file we have in trunk. This results in
about 1000 strings (counting both the added and removed ones), but it is
quite in agreement with what I see in the build. To count the 1000
strings, I stripped away the timestamp from files (otherwise of course
all lines would have been different) and sorted both of them.

It would be helpful to know if other people are seeing the same in other
languages. What I'm seeing now looks reasonable. For example, the "new"
SDF file contains the Impress strings that appear in English and the
help for the COUNTIFS function.


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