My honest advice is not too invest too much time on this project. Yes you
will learn about software development and the C++ language on higher level
projects. However the libraries in OpenOffice are not all that used on the
mainstream. I would recommend to pick up a project with Qt5 framework which
is a more popular framework for desktop application development as well as
some mobile.

Good luck

On Fri, Dec 6, 2019, 2:38 AM Jennie Klein <> wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Jennie, I am in my third year of computer science.
> I am currently looking for a job, but have been having trouble getting
> interviews.
> I have decided to join open source code to gain more experience in order to
> enhance my resume and to broaden my skill set.
> I had one semester in my second year of school that we programmed in C++,
> so I am a little familiar but haven’t gotten to an advanced level of C++.

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