I think it is a bad advice. To learn how to use a qt library is not rocket 
sience. If you understand programming you will pickup fast. Especially QT is 
one of the cleanest APIs I know. 
A job where the libraries you know is more important then your understanding of 
programming they will not understand or care about your true needs. 
Therefor will not offer you a good working place. Don't forget you will never 
know everything of a new working place. Even if you are a sprcialist you can be 
lucky in your workplace if you know 80%.
So for you it is major important to build confidents to program anything what 
will be thrown at you in a appropriate time.

For your free time engagement go into  projects you believe in. Software 
concepts have not really changed in 80 years. It is just more convenient to 
programm today then it has been 80 years ago. Mistakes what not to do is better 

You are welcome to openoffice if you like. You will see on openoffice 30 years 
of programming history. Live desicion and old school concepts. And you will see 
political desicion, that are not technical beneficial. And no one will be able 
to explain it.
If you join a company with a similar mature history, you will recognize 
similarities. See similar code and have to deal with similar gaps. 

You can make a difference by adding your modern knowledge of software 
engeneering. OpenOffice is a huge tanker with a small crew. You will be 
recognized fast. 

Challenge is of course also not low. Entry barrier is as low as possible. If 
you meet a barrier where community can help we will. 

It is your choice. Be yourself. Do what you believe in.

All the best

Am 6. Dezember 2019 08:50:54 MEZ schrieb Jennie Klein <jenniejoyn...@gmail.com>:
>Ok, wow thank you for the advice!
>On Dec 6, 2019 9:48 AM, "JZA" <j...@gultab.org> wrote:
>> My honest advice is not too invest too much time on this project. Yes
>> will learn about software development and the C++ language on higher
>> projects. However the libraries in OpenOffice are not all that used
>on the
>> mainstream. I would recommend to pick up a project with Qt5 framework
>> is a more popular framework for desktop application development as
>well as
>> some mobile.
>> Good luck
>> On Fri, Dec 6, 2019, 2:38 AM Jennie Klein <jenniejoyn...@gmail.com>
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > My name is Jennie, I am in my third year of computer science.
>> >
>> > I am currently looking for a job, but have been having trouble
>> > interviews.
>> >
>> > I have decided to join open source code to gain more experience in
>> to
>> > enhance my resume and to broaden my skill set.
>> >
>> > I had one semester in my second year of school that we programmed
>in C++,
>> > so I am a little familiar but haven’t gotten to an advanced level
>of C++.
>> >

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