In general:

I am not a big fan of the monolith structure AOO uses with storing everything in one Repository.

I prefer to have small Repositories, with nice individual Release cycles and modular main repo. They are easier to document, and maintain, or to disembark and switch to other tools / libraries.

Smaller Repos are not as fearsome for newbies, in comparison to one big repo. And it enforces a natural sustained architecture as is described by experts like Robert C. Martin (Clean Architecture) or Carola Lilienthal (German: Langlebige Software Architekturen; translates sustained software architecture).

And my last general argument is, the smarter we set our build environment to handle modularity, the easier it is for Distros to adopt Apache OpenOffice. Distros are the best recruits for developers. We see that in the support from FreeBSD, which made a lot of Bugfixing. Also the OS/2 Development is a good support for our cause. I am sure that there are more examples if we look back in history, which I have not experienced.

This is of course  a long term vision.

Am 29.05.20 um 20:44 schrieb Dave Fisher:
There are several tools in l10tools …

What is the advantage of a separate repository?

Next to what Mechtilde described:

For me it is much more transparent, if we have it in a separate repository. We could even provide a README what it does! That would be an improvement.

And is gsicheck the only candidate?

We have discussed to extract UNO and turn it into a library, with  an own release cycle. (even incubate / seed it into an own Project.)

I see the same basic strategy that we discussed for UNO can be applied to StarBasic, which makes this maybe with some modification interesting for other developers, who do not have interest in AOO as such.

I have no overview which other application or potential libraries AOO stores. So I personally would take this slow, step by step. With GSICheck we have an immediate win, without being complicated to move.

Let us learn how to pull Releases from a Repo instead of the mechanism we use now. That makes it easy to extract it now.

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