On 9/7/2020 9:34 PM, Philip Parzygnat wrote:
> Dear Open Office,
> I am a computer scientist with MA in the field. I have limited professional 
> experience in open source projects. I would like to assist the Open Office 
> team in some way. I reviewed the Easy section of the help wanted posting. I 
> am reaching out to see which tasks you need help with. I have experience with 
> Foundation Email. My ultimate goal in helping with the Open Office project is 
> to become more familiar with developing using C/C++, however, before working 
> on these more difficult tasks, I though selecting something from Easy and 
> then Medium will be the right course of action. I can also fill the role of a 
> technical writer in the Medium section after getting some work done in the 
> Easy section. As a note, I have a very busy schedule so hopefully work can be 
> done as time permits.
> Thank you,
> Philip Parzygnat
> Philip Parzygnat
> W: http://linkedin.com/in/pparzygnat <http://linkedin.com/in/pparzygnat>
> M: 1 (347) 435-8873
Welcome to the project Phillip. When you are ready we certainly could
use your help as a tech writer as well.


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