Am 09.10.20 um 13:12 schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus []
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: New Mirror OpenOffice

Am 09.10.20 um 11:54 schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Kovacs []
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 11:36 AM
Subject: RE: New Mirror OpenOffice

Check this link:

yes, and what else?

This link leads to an Apache server and it has always been
communicated that we should not spread these links widely in
public, so that there is not too much traffic.

In other words this link is a link for situations where
there are temporary problems with Sourceforge and not a link
that should be distributed as a normal, general download link.

Or do I see it wrong? If yes, I would, from now on,
publicly distribute this link as a download link and would
not refer to our download page anymore, which redirects to

sure, there could be problems. But do you know that there are
none with
other mirrror service? I don't think so. J

Yes, but this aspect was not my topic here.

(My topic was my uncertainty what is true, either to spread this link as little 
as possible in public or not).

Again, ...

Marcus, please be practical: it is not realistic to expect me to write to the 
ASF within a few hours, but if I do, I will consider the wording of my request 
a few days in advance.

sure, no problem, take your time.
I just wanted to express that you can do this yourself and don't need to wait for another person.


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