I have a question. How much willing are we to support extensions.

I mean we have here a voice recognition questions, there is the reporting tool or wiki extension.

We already thinking on creating repos for reporting tool or the wiki extensions.

But how do we deal with those topics on the organisatorical level?

Do we form I do not know how to name them, task force around them? Do the people who whish to be delevop these functions do this in an outside project (independant if this is a Apache project or github self sufficient hosted)

I would opt that we agree on some form to enable volunteer to use the project infrastructure and provide them with a stronger feeling that they are part of the project even if they are only working on an extension of none core features.

This makes it easier to bring the community together. I mean the wording 3rd parties bring a lot of discussion and the need to explain things, to the table.

I am just wondering what everyone else thinks.

All the best


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