The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:
     [x] yes / +1
     [ ] no / -1
   My vote is based on
     [X] binding (member of PMC)
     [x] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform Linux x64 
(Ubuntu 18.04)
     [x] I have tested the binary RC: Linux x86 (on  Ubuntu 16.04 x86), Linux 
x64 (on Ubuntu 18.04 x64), Windows x86 (on Win 7 Pro x64 and Win 10 Pro x64)

Verified SHA512 and GPG signature of Source archive tar.gz   
Verified SHA256 and SHA512 for the Windows exe and the Linux DEB binaries, 
opened documents (ODT, ODS, ODP, ODF, DOC, XLS, PPT and DOCX, XLSX, PPTX) and 
signed ODT documents with PGP and EU ID Card

Pedro Lino

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