
NG talked about a GNU/Linux user who wants to install RPM or deb packages.

Linux != Windows and Linux is not a Windows for poors. It is free as in free speech not as in free beer.

If you want to use a Free Software operating system you can't expect, that the developers want to infantilize or domineer over you.

So you have to make your own decisions and that means you have to learn.

And one of the first thinks you have to learn is using the command line and the package tools of the distribution of your choice.

And 'cd' is one of the first lessons you have to learn (right after 'man' ;-) ).

If you don't want to learn: No problem: You will find people you can pay for installing AOO on your computer.

Freedom may be stressfull, but people developing Free Software should not offer bondage.

Kind regards

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