The instructions in the following forum tutorial may be a little easier for
Linux novices:


On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 12:21 PM Matthias Seidel <>

> Hi,
> NG talked about making the instructions for installing AOO on Linux more
> clear for the end user.
> E.g. "cd" could be explained as "change to the directory". That's
> something we should think about...
> However, since AOO is not part of any repository (I know of) it now has
> to be installed by hand.
> This is a headache, given the numerous distributions and desktop
> environments. It may be even more stressful when "another" Office
> package is already installed as default.
> Andrea Pescetti had an interesting talk at FOSDEM 2022 about Linux
> packaging:
> If we want to have an "easy to install" package for Linux we need to do
> something in this respect.
> Otherwise AOO will remain with 1-2% users that download for Linux.
> Regards,
>    Matthias
> Am 08.07.22 um 20:05 schrieb Dr. Michael Stehmann:
> > Hello,
> >
> > NG talked about a GNU/Linux user who wants to install RPM or deb
> > packages.
> >
> > Linux != Windows and Linux is not a Windows for poors. It is free as
> > in free speech not as in free beer.
> >
> > If you want to use a Free Software operating system you can't expect,
> > that the developers want to infantilize or  domineer over you.
> >
> > So you have to make your own decisions and that means you have to learn.
> >
> > And one of the first thinks you have to learn is using the command
> > line and the package tools of the distribution of your choice.
> >
> > And 'cd' is one of the first lessons you have to learn (right after
> > 'man' ;-) ).
> >
> > If you don't want to learn: No problem: You will find people you can
> > pay for installing AOO on your computer.
> >
> > Freedom may be stressfull, but people developing Free Software should
> > not offer bondage.
> >
> > Kind regards
> > Michael

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